
Hi... I currently live in an apartment in Brooklyn, NY but really want to start working on an RV. Problem is I have no place to build (no room in apartment).

Just curious if anyone has any ideas for finding a place to build? I thought about a hangar but there are 2 to 3 year waiting lists all around and hangar rent in the area seems to go for $500+.
does the complex offer garages to rent? If not you can still build in your apt. it'll just be messy. I've seen posts in here that have pictures of guys building wings and all in apartments so it can be done.
Man... that's going to be tough. Space is pretty hard to come by here in LA but I'm guessing it's not half as bad as in Brooklyn. I had to swindle two roommates out of their garage spots and now have a pretty decent two-car garage to work in. I don't know Brooklyn, but I'm sure this wouldn't be an option in, say, Manhattan. I'd look for a place that has at least an enclosed, lockable carport, although even that would really be squeezed.

Just to consider, I'm strapped for space in my two car garage, and have the horizontal stab lashed to the ceiling. When I'm done with the wings, they're going on the walls. If you got a carport, you'd have to figure out what to do with these monster airplane parts when you finish them, and will eventually have to pay for a hangar to do final assembly either way. Do you mind having wings strapped to the ceiling of your living room? If not, it might be workable.
One word. MOVE!!! :D

Ok, that is in jest to some degree. However, the truth is, living in the heart of NYC will present some obstacles. If you are truly stricken by the bug you might think about evaluating many other aspects of your life in order to determine if living in, arguably, the biggest metropolis in the world is a good place for you if you have desires to fly/build an airplane.

Good luck with your search but you may be better off searching for a new place to live rather than just for a place to build an airplane.
One word. MOVE!!! :D

Ok, that is in jest to some degree. However, the truth is, living in the heart of NYC will present some obstacles. If you are truly stricken by the bug you might think about evaluating many other aspects of your life in order to determine if living in, arguably, the biggest metropolis in the world is a good place for you if you have desires to fly/build an airplane.

Good luck with your search but you may be better off searching for a new place to live rather than just for a place to build an airplane.
Don't mean to be negative, but I'd have to agree with Steve.

I used to live in a rowhouse on Capitol Hill in DC. The only way I would ever have considered building was if I could move out to a house, or apartment with garage suitable for building, in the burbs. Unless you live in a completely sound-proofed apartment, I don't think riveting is going to go over very well with your neighbors or landlord! Wait for a hangar, even if it takes a 2-3 years until one comes open, or move. Even still, remember also that if you don't live really close to a hangar, it's going to take a long time to drive there and back everyday. I would presume this to be even more of a factor in Brooklyn. Not a good Rx for getting a plane built in a reasonable period of time. Again, don't mean to be discouraging, but it would be reality if it were me. Good luck.

P.S. I deferred building for about 8 years until my life circumstances fit it. I have no regrets doing so. In fact, during those years I acquired the funds necessary to build an RV without taking on debt, so it really turned out positive all the way around.
Check with the EAA'ers...

.....near you and start asking questions about just this. Our EAA chapter has rows of hangars that are shared on a private strip. There are probably many airplane owners at the smaller airports that wouldn't mind a $100-$150 a month from you for sharing space and a workbench. Go looking around at some of the smaller airports and visit on nice weekends.....it may surprise you what becomes available. Some FBO's down here rent space in their hangars and tools for building airplanes as well. Ask an FBO as well if they'd consider it.

Just to consider, I'm strapped for space in my two car garage, and have the horizontal stab lashed to the ceiling. When I'm done with the wings, they're going on the walls. If you got a carport, you'd have to figure out what to do with these monster airplane parts when you finish them, and will eventually have to pay for a hangar to do final assembly either way. Do you mind having wings strapped to the ceiling of your living room? If not, it might be workable.

I have no problem building it my apartment, but the first thing out of my wife's mouth when I discussed building an RV was "Sounds great, but you are NOT building it in the apartment!"
One word. MOVE!!! :D

Ok, that is in jest to some degree. However, the truth is, living in the heart of NYC will present some obstacles. If you are truly stricken by the bug you might think about evaluating many other aspects of your life in order to determine if living in, arguably, the biggest metropolis in the world is a good place for you if you have desires to fly/build an airplane.

Good luck with your search but you may be better off searching for a new place to live rather than just for a place to build an airplane.

Yeah, that's pretty much the conclusion I came to but figured I'd check if anyone had any better ideas. I'm tied to the NYC area due to my job, but I guess I will have to give some thought to moving out to the suburbs and commuting.

Thanks for the response.

I'm tied to the NYC area due to my job, but I guess I will have to give some thought to moving out to the suburbs and commuting.
Well, this is what I was referring to when I mentioned "evaluating many other aspects of your life. . ."

The truth is, if I lived and worked in NYC I know I would not be living the life I live now. There are certain aspects of living in a city that are great. Then there are those other aspects of living in the city that are not. This is where only you can answer the question of how you can do what you want where you are. If you truly want to live an aviation filled life I would tell you that you will not be able to do it while living in NYC.

To this end, your question about finding a place to build is only going to be the first stumbling block for the life you desire.

What do you do once the plane is built?

How do you afford to pay for the storage, access, fuel, taxes, fees and all of the other necessities that will be associated with owning and flying your airplane?

Is that possible while living where you do?

If you answer negatively to these questions, well then, you are going to have to reevaluate whether that job you have is the job you really want or need to have. You will need to ask yourself if the lifestyle outside of aviation and building/flying is the lifestyle you wish to lead. Is that lifestyle keeping you away from doing what you really want to do? Or, is it really the lifestyle you do want to lead? If not, and you truly want to live an aviation filled lifestyle, then I would say you are going to have to answer some very serious and hard questions of yourself to find out what you are willing to change in your life that will allow you to live that life.

Of course the above comments are predicated on your level of income. To the average Joe, like me and most everyone else on this forum, there is no way to afford to build and fly an airplane while living in NYC. On the other hand, if you happen to be some celebrity or something and money is no object then I really have no idea what your life is like. Therefore you can ignore all of this prattle about lifestyles and money and the like. Then I would say just go rent a hangar down at LaGuardia and get busy building. :D