
Well Known Member

If I want to find space in Homebuilt Camping (other than the area at the very western edge near the dusty road), how early do I need to arrive at OSH? In the past I've flown in mid-week or towards the end of the show where there's plenty of space vacated by those who had already left. This year I'm thinking about going early before the show starts. I imagine the HBC area is already packed on Sunday, so I'm wondering if I'll be ok arriving Saturday. Or should I plan on Friday evening?

Appreciate input from those who've flown in and camped with their RV prior to the show...

--Mark Navratil
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
RV-8A N2D with 250 hrs of grins...
Earlier is always better, but HBC should be fine on Saturday.

A group of RV-10 builders just staked sites at Camp Scholler. We decided to go a few days earlier than normal to get more ideal sites. The feedback from the team the staked the sites were that more people are at Camp Scholler than previous years.

The economy and fuel prices apparently aren't impacting Camp Scholler attendess.
I was there two years ago on the Friday before and that first row at the west end was already filled. The 2nd and 3rd rows were just starting to fill. I'd guess that late Friday or early Saturday would work great to get you just far enough away from the dusty road but not so far that you're camping amidst the throngs of people that walk through the east end of RV camping.
Have fun!
You'll have no trouble finding a spot on Saturday. Friday is kinda early, not much is open yet as far as food. Sunday is the BIG day for arrivals, but you should still be able to find a spot. Monday and Tuesday are the days when it gets tight, then Wednesday departures start to outnumber arrivals and things open up a bit.

No matter what day you show up, we will find you a spot somewhere. It might not be a great spot, but you will always have a spot.

FWIW- we've had a pretty wet summer, so the dust from the road shouldn't be as bad as the past couple years.