Tom Maxwell

Well Known Member
Doug, I am waiting on pins and needles to see your images. When will we get to see them? The one you posted on the home page is absolutely wonderful. I grew up in the Black Hills of South Dakota near Mount Rushmore and your image reminds me a lot of home. I must say I love living in Texas but I miss the pine covered hills and mountains a lot, especially on these 100 degree days. There is nothing quite like waking up on a cool morning to a mountain breeze filled with the sweet smell of pine. If anyone in this great country does not make it a priority to fly or drive through the mountains of Colorado, Idaho, Montana, et el. and visit areas such as Mount Rushmore and Devils Towers, they are missing out on a great deal of what this country has to offer. There are just so many wonderful things to see and enjoy in this country that it is unbelieveable. We are all truly blessed to live in America. I am truly looking forward to the day when my plane will allow me to see more of it conveniently.

You have become a quite good photographer in a very short time. I look forward to seeing your images on a daily basis and I appreciate the monthly wallpapers. I can't say I like the VAF logo addition, but, hey I'll take it to get the images. Your images are truly inspiring to me as both a future builder (getting close) and as a photographer.



Nice job.
Thank you for those kind words, Tom! I'll record RVTalk #15 this evening (about the trip) and will publish it and the processed pictures tomorrow morning 0600 CST. I've post-processed 56 images from the trip (out of 200+ taken) and I think they will partially convey the beauty seen. Just can't convey the true beauty of those mountains with a camera, though. You're right - they have to be seen in person.

The Big Creek view was almost religeous. 'Scorch' Burgess told me yesterday at breakfast that the 'teaser' image I put up Friday was one of the best he'd seen at representing the awe, spirit and dream of GA flight. I'll take credit for being #4 in the flight and having the camera in standby mode :). If that one doesn't sell you on 'the dream' I don't know what will!!! I hadn't really thought about it too much until recently, but the tip-up canopy configuration really makes what I call 'pop up photography' so much more possible. I'll make an effort to talk about this in the RVTalk.

Again, thanks for the kind words,


PS: I bet that logo goes away in the wallpaper images - I'm always tinkering with things and I'm not too jazzed about it either...<g>

Tom Maxwell said:
Doug, I am waiting on pins and needles to see your images. When will we get to see them? The one you posted on the home page is absolutely wonderful. I grew up in the Black Hills of South Dakota near Mount Rushmore and your image reminds me a lot of home. I must say I love living in Texas but I miss the pine covered hills and mountains a lot, especially on these 100 degree days. There is nothing quite like waking up on a cool morning to a mountain breeze filled with the sweet smell of pine. If anyone in this great country does not make it a priority to fly or drive through the mountains of Colorado, Idaho, Montana, et el. and visit areas such as Mount Rushmore and Devils Towers, they are missing out on a great deal of what this country has to offer. There are just so many wonderful things to see and enjoy in this country that it is unbelieveable. We are all truly blessed to live in America. I am truly looking forward to the day when my plane will allow me to see more of it conveniently. You have become a quite good photographer in a very short time. I look forward to seeing your images on a daily basis and I appreciate the monthly wallpapers. I can't say I like the VAF logo addition, but, hey I'll take it to get the images. Your images are truly inspiring to me as both a future builder (getting close) and as a photographer.

Nice job.
Idaho Camping

Hi Doug,

I agree with Tom, I can't wait to see the pictures. This is one of the reasons I'm building the RV7 is to go to places like this. Sure wish there were more write ups of similar places to go. Thanks for the Idaho report!!!

I always get motivated reading this stuff. Especially since it it 112 here today in sunny, hot Chandler AZ

Darwin N. Barrie
Chandler AZ