
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
While I was at Oshkosh, I splurged and purchased an A-210 from Pacific Coast Avionics (have bought from them before and had good luck). They said they expected to ship in 2-3 weeks, so I gave them a call yesterday, and they said that they still didn't have them - they were "on the boat", and to check back in another week. I frankly expect the delay to be longer than that, and will be happy if it comes then, but I'm not really in a rush. Just thought I'd pass on the status and wondering if anyone else has seen one they've ordered yet?


I am guessing that you aren't aware of the group buy that I am working on?

I have pricing, but one thing I am waiting on is the production.

I am willing to bet that we will exceed 500 units on this group buy. It will undoubtedly cripple supplies in the US when we close the deal.

My price will be the best around. I will reveal it in September.

I will keep everyone posted when it is an official "GO"!

;) CJ
Yeah John, well aware....but you didn't start it until AFTER I'd already put my money down with Pacific! :(

I think your group buys are an outstanding service to the community BTW....unfortuantely, I'm already flying, so don't have a reason (or is that excuse?) to participate in most. Good luck, and I know you'll be beating my price (post #17 on the "group buy" thread)!

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