
Well Known Member
I have an A6 handheld with headset plugin adapter and a PTT switch that I would like to integrate so that I can use it easily in my airplane as a second radio... my intercom is a PM501. Any ideas appreciated.

Short answer...there isn't an "easy" way to integrate it into a simple intercom that has only one input.

There are a number of ways to do what you want to do, but none are simple....nor necessarily easy I'm afraid. Best advice I can give you is to just buy the headset adapter/dongle for the Icom (if it didn't come with the radio) and if you need to use it as a backup just plug your headset in. If you want a 2nd comm in the panel, then just go get a 2nd comm....

My 2 cents as usual.

A6 Integration


My plan, for what it's worth, is as follows:

1. Mount A6 near fuel selector such that it's visible to both seats. Haven't worked this out completely yet, but either build something for the belt clip or buy and adapt a charger base. I may also mount it just ahead of the manual aileron trim, just aft of the spar between the seats. Input welcome.

2. Antenna: A6 -> Dedicated Bent Whip on Belly just fwd of RV-7 spar (about a 24" run)

3. 22-3 shielded 3-conductor run, A6 -> Panel:
- A6 Audio Gnd -> AMX-2A Audio mixer gnd
- A6 Audio Hi -> AMX-2A Audio mixer aux input
- 1 unused conductor
- Shield grounded at AMX-2A Audio mixer only
The output of the AMX-2A feeds the panel intercom (PS3000).

4. 22-3 shielded 3-conductor run, A6 -> Panel
- A6 Mic Gnd -> 4PDT Transmit selector switch on Panel
- A6 Mic Hi -> 4PDT Transmit selector switch on Panel
- A6 Mic PTT -> 4PDT Transmit selector switch on Panel
- Shield grounded at 4PDT Transmit selector switch on Panel
The 4PDT switch will allow choice of transmitting with the Garmin 430W or the A6 through the panel intercom (PS3000).

5. 20AWG twisted pair 12V & Gnd, A6 -> essential bus & sub-panel ground bus.

6. If it would work, I'd rather use a shielded 7-conductor run plus RG400 coax as the only two runs to the A6, but am not sure whether power, audio and mic can live together like that. Audio & mic seem to, somewhat, on the factory adaptor that goes to female mic and headset jacks, but the power might cause issues. Anyone have thoughts?

7. I am also presently vexed by the 12v power. I've bought the right plug for the A6, but the car adaptor appears to have a filter between cigar adaptor and the A6 plug. I'd rather not have to buy another car adaptor just to pirate that circuitry, and wonder if straight ship's power is safe. Input very welcome.

8. I've also purchased 1/16" and 1/8" 3-conductor plugs. I'll probably right angle them and then bundle all of the wires to the A6 so they look OK (and probably all sprout out of the top parallel to the antenna feed). Power, mic, and headset are all down the right side of the A6, same side as the antenna.

Hope this helps. Happy to answer questions if I can.

I am very interested if anyone can weigh in on:
a) one multi-conductor run for everything but antenna
b) raw ship's 12v to the A6
c) mounting suggestion, including adapting a charger base or using the belt clip


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Thanks for the reply gentlemen, appears that the solution is not simple alright. As mentioned, I do have the headset dongle and PTT switch that will allow its use in an emergency but I really wanted it a a second radio. If I can find room on my very cluttered panel, then perhaps a second comm would be best....
Thanks again
Follow-on question: When using the headset adapter on a A6/A24, do you *have* to use an external PTT switch? It seems that when I use the PTT on the radio and have a headset plugged it, it uses the mic built into the radio and not the one on the headset.


That is the way mine works... I bought a simple, homemade PTT on eBay for about $10. Works fine.

I'm thinkin' that I will upgrade my intercom to allow for me to plug the A6 into it. I know it will still be battery powered but that's ok for a backup. If its straight forward then this sounds like the cheapest solution. I really have no room for a second radio :rolleyes:
