
Well Known Member
I'm installing the subject radio and, as far as I know, I've wired up the connector as per plans from ICOM. However, in testing the radio, I find that when either PTT circuit is completed, BOTH microphones are hot.

Is this normal with the A210? I have never encountered this in any other radio. If not normal, what wires would I have misconnected, or what wiring combination would allow this to happen?

Perplexed in the Okanagan, I am

John Swallow
Interesting... I have the A210 as well, and haven't noticed this. But to be fair, I haven't been looking for it. I guess the easy way to test is to have the passenger hit the PTT and then the Pilot talk while someone listens on a handheld away from the plane?

I'll have to try that. My A210 is being serviced right now but I should have it back in a few days and i'll test it.

Thanks for the response. I DO have 1+2 selected.

My understanding of the radio is:

1 selected: that position can TX; the other can't
2 selected: that position can TX; the other can't
1 + 2 selected: either position can TX

What I don't know is if both mics should be hot at that point.

I am firmly convinced that pilots with stubby bee-stung fingers should not be messing around with tiny little wires and connectors! Bad words are uttered...

Thanks again

The radio is working as designed. Note that both PTT switches go to the same pin on the 210 - so it does not "know" which PTT is pushed.
If you want to use the built in intercom, and have either pilot but not both able to transmit, you'll need to install a couple of relays to open the undesired mike when you transmit.

I appreciate the response. In looking at the schematic through non-technical eyes, that was the conclusion to which I was leaning but didn't have the knowledge or background to say so definitively. I guess for a radio tech, all this stuff is quite evident; unfortunately, for a prairie boy who can remember when homes that were lit with kerosene lamps, all this newfangled stuff is magic. As the mother of my Newfoundland wife would say "You get away from that light switch; you knows nodding 'bout 'lectricity!"

Thanks again.
