
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
I'm hoping that someone will go "Oh yeah, been there, done that, fix this...."to what must be a simple problem, but I haven't had time to research....

My #2 Comm in the RV-8 is an A-210. Recently, I have been unable to adjust the volume - it is there, it receives fine, and I can push the "Test" button to break squelch, and I can hear it, but it's too soft. I can turn the volume knob, and the LED "bar" increases and decreases, showing an increase and decrease in the volume - but it sounds exactly the same - doesn't change. I am wondering if I somehow mangled a software setting - perhaps a "cosmic Ray Event" or something. Anyone seen this, or have an idea how to reset the radio back to software defaults?

Sort of busy with the RV-3 right now, and not having time to research this....


Press and hold the RCL button until the menu comes up.

Scroll to HP LEVEL

Turn HP LEVEL down past zero to AF GAIN

Press RCL

Your volume now works by the volume knob.
Hi Paul

Try going back to the menu and select HP level. Turn the inner knob all the way to the left and select "AF Gain". This should allow the volumn knob to control HP level. For some reason I have to do this from time to time.

Paul Danclovic
Jamestown NC
RV-8A N181 SB
Bingo Gentlemen!! I knew there had to e something like that. Thanks much....saved me from a lot of hardware troubleshooting....
Icom A210 radio same problem!!

Had the same happen last weekend (Icom A210 radio about two months old) on a flight to Rough River,KY. When I turn the volume knob the LED "bar" increases and decreases, but no increase or decrease in the volume. Called ICom Tech Support on Monday and they had no idea what to do except send it in for bench check. Told them I had been in the menu but no advice on the HP level settings. Thanks for the information about the AF Gain at the HP level setting. Will give that a try tomorrow before sending to ICom.

Bingo also!!!! Saved me from shipping the radio back to Icom. Have to wonder why Icom tech support had no knowledge of this setting change.
Thanks again..

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This same thing just happened to me over the weekend.

It is good to hear there is an easy fix.

Thanks for pointing me to this thread Brian!
This same thing just happened to me over the weekend.

It is good to hear there is an easy fix.

Thanks for pointing me to this thread Brian!

It doesn't sound like a fix if you didn't resolve what caused the change to happen..........:eek:

ICOM needs to fix this.
It doesn't sound like a fix if you didn't resolve what caused the change to happen..........:eek:

ICOM needs to fix this.

IMHO (as they say) this is not the only thing Icom needs to fix. I for one am done with Icom.
Never had this happen to me but not to say it won't happen tomorrow.

Maybe there is some magic button combination that causes this to happen....who knows???


Sorry you had a bad experience.
It doesn't sound like a fix if you didn't resolve what caused the change to happen..........:eek:

ICOM needs to fix this.

I've been playing with the setting on the radio and it is very possible that I caused this. Thus I can't blast iCom over the issue.
I've been playing with the setting on the radio and it is very possible that I caused this. Thus I can't blast iCom over the issue.

I will admit that I think it was an operator error in my case as well. Of course, it would be nice if the software didn't allow an operator error that makes you almost return the hardware for a software error.... but not enough to make me re-wire a new tray for an SL-40.

Of course, when we built the follow-on airplane, we just went with an SL-40 for Comm 2 from the start. That might tell you something.... ;)
Icom A210

Just be "VERY" careful if you have to remove the radio. The ribbon connector between the face plate and the radio is extremely fragile. I was careful when replacing it and still fried the mother board. Icom wanted to charge me $500+ but ended up fixing it on warranty.
I have lots of experience with ribbon connectors and have never seen one this sensitive.
Now I leave it hanging (the face plate) if have to remove the radio.
Hoping to replace it with an SL30 soon.
While not to take anything from the pain that some have experienced with the ribbon cable on the A210, there are plenty of us that have had no issues with it. That does not mean I won't smoke mine the next time I remove it though.

While I do make sure I handle it correctly and inserted/removed properly, I do not treat it like rice paper.

This ribbon cable and the connectors it mates with are the same as millions of others installed in all kinds of electronic devices all over the world. There is nothing special or particular about the one that Icom uses in this radio.

The only thing I wish Icom had done differently regarding this cable is to have designed in some overcurrent protection into the display and main board to prevent shorts in this cable from smoking them. That way if someone accidently damaged the cable while installing it, there would be no damage.
Thanks to the group. I followed the directions in post number two and it fixed the problem. Makes me wonder about ICom.

Thanks. Steve
Can someone please help me with my ICOM A 210 problem? When I first turn the avionics on I get a squelch like sound in the headset. If I turn my TruTrac EFIS off it goes away. Generally, after ten minutes or so it goes away anyway. Also, when I receive someone's transmission, there is a squelch sound at the end after the transmission. I have put my ICOM A 200 in the place of the A210 and it doesn't do it. Also, this is the second new A 210 I have had in the RV and they both did the same thing. The first one went nuts and I sent it to ICOM. They claimed it had corrosion in it and wanted to charger me a fortune to fix it. This was finally resolved by the VP of engineering, and I got a new radio for $350. I've had wonderful luck with the A-200 and am totally disappointed in the A-210! Thanks in advance for the help, I know someone will know the answer.... Tom
IMHO (as they say) this is not the only thing Icom needs to fix. I for one am done with Icom.

I have the ICOM A200 which appears to lose contact at varying frequencies during flight following. Has anyone had issues like this and what can be done?
Having just done it, I can say with certainty that removing an A210 and installing a Garmin GTR200 is not difficult at all.
Can someone please help me with my ICOM A 210 problem? When I first turn the avionics on I get a squelch like sound in the headset. If I turn my TruTrac EFIS off it goes away. Generally, after ten minutes or so it goes away anyway. Also, when I receive someone's transmission, there is a squelch sound at the end after the transmission. I have put my ICOM A 200 in the place of the A210 and it doesn't do it. Also, this is the second new A 210 I have had in the RV and they both did the same thing. The first one went nuts and I sent it to ICOM. They claimed it had corrosion in it and wanted to charger me a fortune to fix it. This was finally resolved by the VP of engineering, and I got a new radio for $350. I've had wonderful luck with the A-200 and am totally disappointed in the A-210! Thanks in advance for the help, I know someone will know the answer.... Tom

I upgraded from an A 200 (no problems) to a A 210 and have been having this problem ever since I got it. On my unit the squelch sensitivity drifts slowly so you have to keep adding more until you run out of range. I have sent it back three times and after 6 months of use it starts drifting again. Try adding more squelch in the setup. Another tenth should do it. Hopefully the drift is a burn in type thing and it will not get worse. The first year I almost ran out of range.