RV8 Tom

Active Member
Flew my RV8 for the first time May 18, 2014. The plane flew great and I had no issues other than the radio transmitting. One the ground and at a low power setting radio transmits fine. At cruise, or with some power in, I am told the transmissions are not readable. I spoke with ICOM cust. serv and he thought I might of had the mic gain set to high. After turning it down the same problem exists. Radio receives in all configurations just fine. I am told it could be the engine noise transmitting over the radio. At this point, I don't know what else to do. Any help would be appreciated.
I had a similar problem with my radios when I first started flying my -8. Believe it or not, I fixed it by putting an Oregon Aero mic muff on my headset boom mic. That really cut down the ambient noise during radio transmission. It also reduced the amount of unwanted intercom squelch breaks due to noise.
Thanks, I will give that a try the next time i fly it. I hope it is something that simple. 16.4 hrs on it so far, the plane is awesome!
Thansk again
Which microphone are you using? (ie. what brand of headset)
Many have a gain pot in a tiny hole.
The ICOM also has mic gain settings... that you can adjust inflight.
You will hear the results as well, via side tone.
The mic muff will help.
Also, pull whatever cover is on it.... off. See if you are talking into the proper side. They can get twisted 180 degrees in some cases.
Let us know how it goes.
Same issue. Changed the ELT phone cable which was causing the interference to a shielded cable and solved the problem