
My A210 squelch stays open. I?ve heard that this is a recurring problem with A210
Can anyone with experience tell me how to best resolve this issue. Can it repaired permanently.
Does the 220 have the same problem.
My A210 squelch stays open. I’ve heard that this is a recurring problem with A210
Can anyone with experience tell me how to best resolve this issue. Can it repaired permanently.
Does the 220 have the same problem.
I had the same problem. If I set the squelch all the way up then I would miss a lot of radio calls. The only thing that fixed the problem was returning the radio to iCom and they "fixed" it under warranty. Maybe it was just me but it seemed that after the "fix" the radio receive range wasn't as good as before. So I bought an "inexpensive" A200 from E-Bay and replaced the unit. The A200 works superb and it just slid in to the A210 rack with no wiring modifications. YMMV

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My A210 squelch stays open.
Hi Darwin. On my recent cross-country trip, when I got out into the sparsely-populated center of the Country, the squelch stayed open on my A210. When I got back to civilization, it fixed itself. I don't know whether I have an intermittent problem or whether the lack of radio signals in flyover country had something to do with it.
I really wanted to like the A210, and fought with its inadequacy from 2010 until 2017. Best move I made was upgrading to a Garmin GTR200. No looking back, I don't miss that ICOM radio and my struggles with is one iota. Look up John Stark at Stark Avionics. Best prices in town by a longshot.
Try it on the ground with all the other boxes turned off, then fire them up one by one and see if one of them is causing the squelch to open. Some of these boxes are rather noisy, my GRT EFIS displays would open the squelch on my 210. Icom turn the sensitivity down a bit and that fixed it. I like the radio ok, no other problems with it.
I done the trials with different components off and on no change. However after fiddling with the ribbon cable it started working again. However, the radio did the same thing about a month ago, started working for no apparent reason.
After the holidays I?m calling Icom and one of the authorized repair stations for a plan on the best course to resolve this issue. Just hope it?s not to expensive and the it truly gets resolved. Some folks have no had much luck with repairs and others have
I may very well end up with a new radio
I’ve sent off the A210 for repairs for the open squelch. The problem is intermittent but was getting worse, staying open for longer periods.
Will wait now and report results.
I had open squelch when the intercom was on. I fly alone so turning the intercom off solved the problem. Seems to be a VOX issue.
I hav the same problem on both RVs with Icom A-210s installed. I have determined that the major cause of the open squelch is from the Skyview EFIS. With it off, squelch setting can be turned way down. Other sources are just minor contributors to squelch problem. See that newer generations of radios have auto squelch. In my mind this wouldn?t really solve the problem as it just turns the squelch up until it doesn?t break squelch automatically, so your reception range suffers. I am trying to figure out how to get the Skyview to live peacefully next to the Icom radio.
I?d not worry about having Icom tweak the squelch. I had mine done and it?s still every bit as sensitive as my 430W. I think Icom must know it?s a bit on the sensitive side, but the fault does lie with the noisy EFIS displays, at least mine was.
Tim Andres
I just replaced the 7? Dynon Skyview with a 10? display and all on the breaking squelch/noise problems went away on the Icom. I had the squelch on the Icom set almost at maximum to keep from breaking squelch. Now I can turn the squelch way down In the settings without breaking squelch. I had pretty much determined to buy anew Garmin comm radio before the Dynon update. Now everything is working good. Just an FYI for others with Icoms with squelch problems. It seems the Icom is real sensitive to noise generated by other avionics.
A210 open squelch continued

I?ve sent off the A210 for repairs for the open squelch. The problem is intermittent but was getting worse, staying open for longer periods.
Will wait now and report results.
Radio returned from repair, no problems found. for an unknown reason it started working properly before I sent it for repair but I sent it anyhow. Back in the plane and still working fine.
I?m now back to tracking emissions using my hand he.d radio with squelch Serv to low setting. Found the usb charging port emitting so I installed some ferrite beads which seemed reduce the magnitude, meaning I need to hold the handheld ant closer to the charging cable to open the squelch. Then I iplugged a portable battery pack to the dual USB port. No detectable emissions now without touching the ant directly to power wire feed which is directly under the radio about 2? The load of the battery pack changed the load on the USB port and the level of emissions. Don?t know if this is the final solution, only time will tell.
Hope this trial and error info, non- professional, info is helpful to anyone else looking at similar problem.
I really wanted to like the A210, and fought with its inadequacy from 2010 until 2017. Best move I made was upgrading to a Garmin GTR200. No looking back, I don't miss that ICOM radio and my struggles with is one iota. Look up John Stark at Stark Avionics. Best prices in town by a longshot.

Ditto this and judging by all the problem posts the GTR200 or non A radio is the clear answer.
I had open squelch when the intercom was on. I fly alone so turning the intercom off solved the problem. Seems to be a VOX issue.

I had the same . Was the second headset plugged in and under the panel , Was keying the squelch via the hi noise. Unplugged the mic and seems to resolve. Also remember that the left knob if pushed to "TEST" will override the squelch and remain on all the time. I believe in this case TEST is displayed. Ive had this happen before when someone who didn't need to be was playing in my pilot side seat.