
Well Known Member
Anyone using the RS232 link on an Icom A 210 Com and linking it to a Garmin 396 GPS? It looks like the A210 will receive data on Pins 1 and 2 and the GPS blue and yellow wire will RS232 feed this . Would like to hear from someone who has this set up and can confirm that it works for transferring Com Frequencies into the storage of the A210. I have both but have never used this feature.
Anyone using the RS232 link on an Icom A 210 Com and linking it to a Garmin 396 GPS? It looks like the A210 will receive data on Pins 1 and 2 and the GPS blue and yellow wire will RS232 feed this . Would like to hear from someone who has this set up and can confirm that it works for transferring Com Frequencies into the storage of the A210. I have both but have never used this feature.

Mine is a 296 but yes it does do what you are asking about when wired to the A210.

It only works when you have an active flight plan programed into the garmin tho. Its kinda neat but real-world usefulness seems low.
Works for a 496

I use my 496 to push frequencies to the Icom all the time. Select the airport, the frequency, hit enter and it goes into the backup frequency of the icom 210
I use my 496 to push frequencies to the Icom all the time. Select the airport, the frequency, hit enter and it goes into the backup frequency of the icom 210

Heck I've never tried it that way, I was just scrolling through the memory on the A210, which is continually updated as it flies passed waypoints in a flight plan.
So you don't necessarily have to be on an active flight plan to push freqs to the A210? Im guessing that the select airport, select freq, and hit enter will only load that one freq and not the ATIS,TWR and ground. ?

Still trying to decide if that justifies working under the panel to install two wires!!