I have an ICOM ic A210 which needs repair. Can anyone recommend a repair shop I can send it to. I visit LAX regularly so I can send it off from there.
Cheers Bernie
A-210 repair

You can send it directly to ICOM up in Washington. They will repair and return it back to you. If you have some place in LA to have it returned to, then they will send it there, and you can pick it up from them the next time you are back in town.

Icom America Service Center - Washington
12421 Willows Road NE
Kirkland, WA 98034
Phone: (800) 306-1380

You need to read the following repair page on their website.


They might send it directly back to you in Melbourne for a price.

Good luck.

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I found ICOM in Australia to be rude and unhelpful with aircraft radios. They were only interested in gouging. Then I discovered an ICOM service agent in Sydney who repaired my A210 for $80.

Let me know if you want their contact details. I'm reluctant to give it publically for fear that ICOM head office might come down on them for taking the high priced work away.
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