
Well Known Member
Of the 30 menu settings there are a couple I have not been able to decide how best to set. What value do you use on the following:
1. Mic 1 or 2 SQl ( I think this if for the internal intercom only) ?
2. SQL LVL (Think this is for the com freqs) ?
3. FM SQL LVL ( not sure what this is for) ?
4. Mic 1 and 2 Gain ( does high setting here distort Tx)?
The internal intercom I have not used due to constant mic operation. ??
Would appreciate your comments and settings. Thanks/ DRR
reply from ICOM

the following ICOM reply may help answer some questions about Menu setting on the A210
The difference between SQL LV and FM SQL is this: SQL LV is for your normal AM operations, such as tower or ground communications or flight following and so forth. FM SQL only applies to the weather channels that this radio can receive, and since there are two operating modes, there are two squelch adjustment.

Mic gain can indeed be set too high and you can over-drive the radio and distort the transmitted signal, so the tower might appreciate it if you make an adjustment to the mic gain levels and keep the headset mic close to your mouth for clearer transmit audio.

It is okay to use the Test feature for weak signals. All this feature does is open the squelch threshold, so receive and transmit will still function properly.

For your intercom, there are several adjustments in the radio's menu that you will need to experiment with that control both pilot and co-pilot microphones, and with a noisy environment, you will need to play with these settings. One in particular is the MIC1 SQL and MIC2 SQL levels. This sets the threshold level higher if your background noise is high. You will likely need to speak a bit louder into the microphone, but if this will help to overcome constant noise, that might be a solution.

Another feature is the INCOM LV1 and INCOM LV2 adjustments for intercom microphone levels, and between the mic SQL settings and INCOM levels, you may find the balance that you need. I hope that this will be helpful.

Best Regards;

Mike Hilton
Technical Support Representative

ICOM America, Inc.
12421 Willows Rd. NE
Kirkland, WA 98034