
Well Known Member
Just bought this off eBay and apparently I didn't ask all the right questions. This radio apparently works except for the backlighting on the display doesn't come on. Am I SOL? Any ideas for what I could check? I'm fairly handy with electronical stuff.

Otherwise it goes back up on eBay with lesson learned.
...backlighting on the display doesn't come on. ...

The backlight on this unit is a little weird. There is a pin on the back that needs to be fed 12V or a variable voltage (dimmer). Check the install manual.

I would have liked for the backlight to come only when the radio is turned on .... but evidently the ICOM engineers had something else in mind.

If you have already looked into the above and it still doesn't work, then you might have a burned bulb (LED?).
I saw the pin that it called out for backlighting. I didn't know you needed to hook it up to +12V too. That pin is in fact not connected to anything. I'll try that out and report back. Thanks very much for the info!