
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
I have mentioned a couple times that I plunked down my money with a "Large West Coast Avionics Shop" at Oshkosh for a new A-210, knowing that it would be awhile before they would be ready for delivery. The price was good (not as good as Capt. John's group buy!), and just this once, I decided to be an early adopter...

The original guess was 2-3 weeks after Oshkosh (well, I knew that promise wasn't going to hold when I heard it), but they have been very pleasant as I call back each week to check on delivery. Last week I was told that a container-load was in the country, waiting for customs clearance. Today I checked and was told that ICOM has them, but is not shipping do distributors due to "unspecified software issues", but they are not expecting a long delay.

Since this is just an upgrade from my current A-200 (which is working fine), I am really not in a hurry - just thought I'd pass on what I had learned. Bottom line is that nothing is being delivered to customers yet...(Now I'll hear from a bunch of you that already have yours. and find I'm being hoodwinked by the "Large West Coast Avionics Shop"... :p )
Same Boat

I also plunked down for an A-210 at Oshkosh with a "large west coast avionics supplier that has a name that includes a large ocean". I called two days ago (Wed) and was told that they were shipping on Friday. We'll see. That unit had better just slide in my A-200 tray and work right out of the box when it shows up.

Paul Danclovic
RV-8A Flying
Carver MN
I was told I was number three on that list from that big avionics supplier out west. I talked with them earlier in the week and they didn't have them yet. I hope they are shipping some out Friday. I'm ready to mount my trays and finish my panel.
As I mentioned, I talked to Judy there today, and the units haven't been shipped from ICOM yet. When I mentioned I was heading out on a trip next Thursday, Judy said I should not plan on having it....

I have thought about canceling the order and going with John's group buy, but I know I am in line, and I have never had bad business dealings with these folks before, so it's probably like waiting in line at the grocery store - you can change lines for one that looks faster...but it will probably slow down.

Ah well, I really think the 210 will be worth the wait!

Waiting for some IC-210 pilot reports

I'm going to need to wait for some pilot reports,
even if it means paying more later.

I have questions about the new radio, and also
usually wait a while for bugs, (if any), to be smashed.

For example:
I see an ICM switch. Some other radios with an
intercom switch are not totally VOX operated.
What is the ICM switch for and is it required?

Also, if the active channel always has priority
why turn the standby channel off with PPT?
Would I have to press a button on the radio
after every transmission? Can this 'feature'
be defeated?

Doubting Thomas
PIREP Delayed.....

Well, I've got good news and bad news.....

The good news? My A-210 was waiting for me when we returned from our LOE/BBRSP trip this afternoon! Perfect condition, looks great, and my only disappointment was that it arrived at my doorstep two hours AFTER we left for LOE....

Oh, the other bad news? We stopped by the hangar tonight on the way to our airport's bi-weekly social gathering to install it....and I can't get my currently-installed A-200 to slide out of the tray!! Th two radios are supposed to be tray-for-tray compatible, so I figured the swap would take two minutes, but after fussing with the release on the 200 for five minutes, I determined that something has the radio stuck in the slot, and rather than force it, I'd leave it for when I had a bit more time.

The A-210 sure looks pretty - can't wait to get it powered up - but I'd rather use patience rather than force, so I'll report back in a few days.....

In case anyone is wondering what Paul is talking about, information about the RV Group Buy I have organized is available by clicking HERE for details.

The deal will run until October 12, 2007 if you want to participate. I had about 50 people say that they were interested last month.

There still is time left if you want to participate!

;) CJ

Capt. John:: Any chance to extend this offer for about a month? Bet you could get a bigger turnout if you could swing this......????? Not enough feedback yet?

What say you?
Pete, I am willing to bet that I would have more angry people than happy ones if this were extended.

I think people are chomping at the bit to get their dirty little paws on these things.


:eek: CJ
Well I got the old A-200 out of my stack this evening, but alas, it was after a beautiful evening flight that Louise and I took, and I hadn't brought the -210 with me. The -200 was stuck in the tray because I hadn't cut a big enough opening in the panel - almost zero clearance - and in 600 hours without being removed, something had shifted just enough to make it tight in the panel hole. Some cautious prying and it came out without any damage, and I'll do a little bit of filing on th opening before sliding in the -210.

I got my A210 in but had to do quite a bit of filing. The 210 is a bit wider than the 200 because it has 2 little "ears" cast into the case under the faceplate. You'll see when you get the faceplate off. I wound up filing the panel almost the width of the tray. These ears are probably there so the radio won't shift in the tray and cause the problem Paul had.

Also I managed to get the coax connector misaligned and shoved it out of the tray and mangled it a bit so be careful with that. A new snap ring and some foul language fixed that up.

Finially got in a short scud running flight yesterday as the weather in Minn. has been just crummy. I can't comment on the intercom function or the GPS tuning feature as I am not using them, but the standby freq. monitor works well and got a "loud and clear" from another airplane 40 miles away.


Paul Danclovic
Carver MN
Looks Pretty!

You beat me Paul - glad to see someone has one working!

I'll probably get mine in tomorrow, and will expect to do a little more filing than I might have otherwise anticipated.

Some rainy weekend I'll have to pull the panel and wire the serial interface to either my 430 or the EFIS to see if it will really "remote tune"....but I think I'll let someone else pioneer it first...
