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Well Known Member
Okay, the time has come!

Here is the deal on the ICOM A-210 Radio Group Buy from Aircraft Spruce!

If you have been following THIS THREAD ( you are aware of this deal. Click on it and see a tech sheet on the product features.

I expect that MANY people will be taking advantage of this deal and the numbers should be upwards of 500 units! This being the case, I have created a new email address for counting units sold. PLEASE EMAIL ME ONCE for each radio purchased to confirm your participation in this deal so we can have an accurate tally of participants!

ALSO, please READ AND UNDERSTAND this ENTIRE POST and do as it instructs to be part of this deal. It isn?t hard and you will be pleased with the outcome!

Tom Glaze has offered the following pricing to RV Builders for a 1-month time frame beginning September 12, 2007. The deal will conclude on Friday, October 12, 2007.

Be advised, THESE ORDERS ARE NON-CANCELLABLE! Be prepared to purchase the radio when the deal concludes!

Here are the details:

We need to buy as many radios in the next month as possible. The prices will be dependent upon the number of units sold.

10 radios = $1119.00
200 radios = $1097.00
300 radios = $1076.00
500 radios = $1058.00

Shipping in the contiguous US is FREE! Orders outside of the contiguous US can get a quote by emailing Tom Glaze.

All orders MUST BE PLACED with Tom Glaze (our Sales Manager at Aircraft Spruce West) at (877) 4SPRUCE extension #329 or via e-mail at [email protected] and place your order by the specified cut-off date. You can also fax him at 951-372-0555. Tom will gather the orders after October 12, 2007 and he will process them for shipment at the quoted price based on total units ordered. All orders will be charged in full at the time of shipment. Remember, orders will be considered non-cancelable and non-returnable (due to the quantity purchase). DO NOT CALL ANYONE ELSE REGARDING THIS DEAL! Tom is our contact man!

We need a minimum order of 500 units to earn the $1058 price for all the units. If the total ordered is less, then all the orders would receive the price according to the schedule. All the orders will be processed simultaneously, as that is the only way we will know the total quantity ordered.

Step 1 ? Budget your money! Plan on going through with this deal when October 12, 2007 rolls around!

Step 2 ? Call or email Tom and mention the ICOM ?RV GROUP BUY? as a discount code and give him a credit card number to hold in abeyance.

Step 3 ? Email me so that I can track the orders. My addy is rvgroupbuy at and include the word ?order? in your subject line when you type it. If you have a question, do not put ?order? in the subject line, as this will skew my tally. (I am making a rule in my inbox to count the emails. It is the only way to do it with such large numbers.) Send me one email for each radio you buy so that the tally will be accurate!

In the body of your email include:

1) Your name
2) Your location
3) Your telephone number if you wish (I won?t give it out, I promise!)
4) Any comments you care to make

That is all! Simple, huh?

When the cutoff date arrives and the radios get shipped (pending any backorders), the cards get pinged and we get our radios in the mail!

We can discuss it publicly here in this thread or privately via email. If you email, use the appropriate subject line, please.

:cool: CJ
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I'm getting a new radio!

Fantastic job John. I can't wait till Wednesday so I can order. This will be the best group buy yet. Now for all you guys out there that said you wanted one, its time to step up to the plate. Your never going to find one cheaper than this if we all keep our word and participate.
Thanks Tom!

Almost 20% off retail. Not too shabby!

I already am getting emails!

Without you guys it couldn't be done!

:) CJ

What's up with shipping costs? Is this on Oshkosh type of deal where shipping is included or do we just have to order and take our chances? :eek: I can't imagine Spruce would take this route, but some avionics dealers get their profit through excessively high shipping charges. Thus, it would be nice to know what we'll be paying in shipping (at least approximately) before we have to commit.

Thanks for arranging what looks to be a pretty good deal. I might have to sell another A200!

I didn't ask about shipping. I haven't felt like AC Spruce had ever "gigged" me in the past on shipping. I also can't see this costing much to ship, but that would depend on where you live too... I suppose. Look at it this way, no matter who you bought it from or what you would have paid... one way or another you would have to pay shipping anyways.

I will ask for shipping chart or something.

:) CJ
Here is the ICOM Instructional Manual for the radio:

(Thanks Jim and Gasman!)

This radio has some cool features!

Mel, I just talked to Tom. Shipping to the contiguous United States will be... FREE!

Locations outside of the contiguous US will need a shipping quote. Email Tom for details.

After reading the Tech Sheet, I can't wait to install this radio! The features look GREAT! Garmin won't sell anther SL-40 after this radio hits the streets!

I've email the info to several friends. probably account for 3 or 4 orders.

But 1 question. Is the intercom feature improved from the A200? any way to have audio input(ipod) without going thru a seperate intercomm/audio panel?

OK that's 2 questions, but I would still like to know.
Well, that is undoubtedly a Q. for ICOM directly. I cannot answer it.

I CAN guess on the second one.

I am willing to bet that by combining 2 audio sources they will increase impedance and the result will be quiet sounds from both sources.

...just a guess.

:) CJ
Not a typo, right?

I just want to confirm that the first price break is at 10 units not 100 units, right? The jump from 10 to 200 just looks a little odd.

Thanks for doing this. I am probably six months from doing my panel, but will probably go ahead and order one of these. I was going to get an SL40 for my second nav/com. But this looks like a better deal. Icom does indeed make good ham radio gear!

Tony, I got 10 in my email but wasn't concerned because we will BLOW PAST the 500 mark with this deal anyways... so I published what I got.

Tom Glaze is reviewing the thread as I type this, so he may chime in or ask me to edit something.

Any way you slice it, we are going to be in the HUNDREDS!

:) CJ
Spreading the word on Midget Mustang and Mustang II builders


I sent a post on the Midget Mustang and Mustang II Yahoo Forum to plus up the numbers of radios sold. I hope you didnt mind that. :eek:

hydroguy2 said:
any way to have audio input(ipod) without going thru a seperate intercomm/audio panel?
You could use LIGHTSPEED HEADSETS, they have audio input... and auto fade.... :)
And you can each have an ipod... :p
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California and Georgia Buyers Will Owe State Sales Tax


I checked with Tom Glaze, and, unfortunately, ICOM A-210 buyers from California and Georgia will be charged for state sales tax, since Aircraft Spruce has locations in both states. Aircraft Spruce has no choice, and they can't, for example, ship California-bound units from Georgia or vice versa. On the other hand, since shipping is FREE (Thanks!), the pain of state sales tax is mitigated somewhat. Thanks Again for organizing a great group buy!

Best Regards,

Bill Palmer :rolleyes:
Chino Hills, CA (The People's Republic of California)
Bill, that makes sense to me.

If they have a point of sales in that state, they need to charge tax to those residents.

Sorry folks...

Mike, I need to read that tech sheet in detail. It reminds me of Christmas when I was a child. I read all that I could about that shiny new toy and couldn't wait to get it!

:) CJ

Talked with Tom Glaze today while ordering. He seems almost excited about this deal as I am. He praised Captain John on his negotiating skills and said he really enjoyed dealing with him. It will be interesting when this deal is all said and done as to just how many total dollars John has saved the group. This particular group buy really is incredible and one of the things that makes this site so invaluable to anyone with an interest in RV's. I so dam glad that hippie putz guy put this site together.
A210 & IFR

Anybody doing an IFR panel using the A210? I haven't done too much thinking about the panel yet, but it will be IFR, likely 430 with 496 backup. I had been thinking I'd need a backup NAV/COM to the 430. Am I mistaken? How could the A210 be used as a backup to a 430 in an IFR panel? Separate backup NAV or no backup NAV? Given more and more GPS approaches, maybe the backup NAV is unnecessary these days?


RV-7A Finishing
Rhode Island
I have a GNS 430, backup comm, and two more GPS's - no backup VHF Nav. The range of the RV is such that I can probably always fly somewhere that has a non-precision GPS approach to shoot if my destination is down to ILS minimums and the VHF portion of the 430 goes on the blink.

Then again, if I won an SL-30 as a door prize somewhere, I am sure I'd find a way to wire it in!;)

Noah, I am planning on using the A-210 as a Comm 2 behind a 430 as well.

Usually I tune one radio for "talking" tasks (Approach, Departure, Tower and Ground) and the other for "listening" tasks (ATIS and AWOS). Depending on how easy the menu on the A-210 is to navigate (I am expecting it is, especially with the frequency nomination function) I will use it as Comm 1 for the "talking" tasks.

With the 430, I consider a backup nav a luxury. I will be filing /G normally anyways. Having the VOR in the 430 is a great addition to the suite, but I wouldn't consider it necessary. Not that I would discard it, either!

:) CJ
Kinda odd. When you go to Aircraft Spruce page, it lists the radio at about $1,300. but when you request a quote, you get an e-mail that quotes at $1,195. So we need 200 orders for me to save $100.
Bob, I did the email quote thing about 2 weeks ago and it came back as $1,300 (I think). Either way, we are still cheaper in our current category by $76. If $76 means nothing to you, consider it to be the BEST PRICE AROUND on this unit.

Any way you slice it, this deal is unbeatable anywhere on the web or at any airshow as far as I know.

Mich, as usual with all my group buys everyone waits to get "IN" until the very last moment. We are still in the first category, but the 12th of October is still a ways away.

I am not sweating it at all. Basically, if you want this radio... and you want the best price possible SIGN UP NOW! The prices will only get better!

:) CJ
Yes, I think you're right, Cap'n. It's just that I'm really early in the panel process and I'm trying to figure out if it's worth ordering now or waiting and hoping the price comes down even more. It's interesting the price has dropped $100 in the last two weeks.

But, yes, you're right that this is THE lowest I've seen the units for. In fact, the spectrum of prices on the various Web sites is unbelievable. It ranged from the low (this offer) to up around $1,900.

How'd you like to be the poor unsuspecting soul who bought this for $1,900?
Yes, I think you're right, Cap'n. It's just that I'm really early in the panel process and I'm trying to figure out if it's worth ordering now or waiting and hoping the price comes down even more. It's interesting the price has dropped $100 in the last two weeks.?
I don't think any street price has changed in the last couple weeks, Bob, so I wouldn't worry about the price dropping much more in the next couple months. $1199 was the Oskhosh price and most vendors will sell at Oshkosh prices or beat competitors prices throughout the year if you ask them to. Actually both Spruce and Pacific/Gulf Coast Avionics have had a email quote price of around 1199-1229 for the last 2-3 weeks at least.

At this point, it seems that for those of us who need the radio within the next year, CJ probably got us a pretty good price. If, on the other hand, you don't need the radio for a year or so, leaving your money in your investment account for another year might lead to greater savings (unless the market keeps going down!:eek:)
Yah, my personal strategy is to do the whole plane "out of pocket" so these types of individual expenditures seem to be the least painful, financially.

I don't see them coming down any more than this price, ever. I am willing to bet that once ICOM gets the bulk of the SL-40 market, the price will be rock solid and increasing.

:) CJ
I probably shouldn't say anyting, but the flyer that I got from Gulf Coast Avionics listed the A-210 at $1149. Of course, I have no idea what they charge for shipping.

Tracy, that's fine. If that is the best "other" deal out there, we are still beating it and have free shipping.

Nobody has a better deal!

Riles, I gotta say, right now I am kinda bummed. I figured we would be topping 300 units by now. I am not sure that we are even into the second category yet.

Here we are in the last 2 weeks of the deal and that's when the momentum normally picks up on the group deals. We could really see some serious activity soon.

Tell all your friends! It isn't limited to RV's. We have a Thorp driver on the list too!

;) CJ
Hi Tracy,

Can I get a copy of that brochure. I posted a few days ago asking were the group buy was on the price point and still don't have an answer.
Riley, I answered you in the post directly above yours.

Could I clarify it for you?

Let me know if you have any questions.

I am doing this for everyone, not just myself. I have no interest in this other than to get the best price for all other RV builders and myself.

How can I help you?

:confused: CJ
........ I gotta say, right now I am kinda bummed. ...... We could really see some serious activity soon.

Hang in there, I think some folks like myself haven't sent in an order yet, hoping I could get a Pirep from an OSH buyer. Has anyone recieved one yet? Paul? Anyone?

at this point I'm still planning on ordering, but the fact that none have been shipped makes me pause.
It shouldn't make you pause, unless you need a radio immediately.

If you are like me, and don't... lock in a good deal and wait.

I don't care when it gets here, so long as it is here by 2009! Okay, maybe 2008...

:eek: CJ
Riley, I answered you in the post directly above yours.

Could I clarify it for you?

Let me know if you have any questions.

I am doing this for everyone, not just myself. I have no interest in this other than to get the best price for all other RV builders and myself.

How can I help you?

:confused: CJ

Hi CJ,

My post was a week later than the post I believe your referencing, anyway I was just looking for an update to see if things were moving forward in numbers. I know tone can be hard on email and forums, I did not mean anything bad or negative at all. I say let's getter done!
hoping I could get a Pirep from an OSH buyer. Has anyone recieved one yet? Paul? Anyone?

at this point I'm still planning on ordering, but the fact that none have been shipped makes me pause.

No radio yet, but Left Coast told me last Thursday that they were being shipped to them that day from ICOM. Well....I'll let you know when it arrives. I am not really in a hurry, but like to have product for the money I have already been charged....
Thanks Paul. I'm in no hurry either, actually the radio will be 9 months early. :D Just wishing I could get someone to tell us how great it is. I know several guys wanting to order, but without a pirep they are reluctant to pay in advance.
LOR, no problem... no need to get all "Riled up"!

HA! Ya get it!?!

Just a joke to grant some levity...

Paul, Left Coast has spoken untruths to me in the past and I will never trust a thing they say ever again. It was a whiskey compass order I had with them and albeit, a nickel and dime part... they gave me nothing but lies about delivery dates! I waited two months for a COMPASS!

Well, anyways... as you can see now, I am over it.


Hydrodude... The next thing that ICOM makes that is a Papa Oscar Sierra will be the first!

I have faith in them delivering as promised. After all, the Japanese are good at this sort of thing!

:) CJ
Paul, Left Coast has spoken untruths to me in the past and I will never trust a thing they say ever again. It was a whiskey compass order I had with them and albeit, a nickel and dime part... they gave me nothing but lies about delivery dates! I waited two months for a COMPASS!

I know what you mean John - many of the "big Vendors" I've dealt with in aviation have let me down in the customer service department over the years - very frustrating. Fortunately, most of the smaller companies concentrating on the RV market are a whole different breed - incredibly flexible and willing to bend over back-wards to get us what we want.

That said, I was just surprised by a phone call from "Left Coast" saying that UPS is tracking my A-210 as "In Houston, out for delivery", and it should be here today.

Of course, with MY UPS driver, that might mean tomorow....:rolleyes:

PIREP to come!
Yes, I'm interested in the PIREP also! I'm in for two A-210's, but haven't ordered yet.
My friend just got his today and we slipped it in his Glasstar. Display is great and the scrolling frequencies is cool. A lot nicer than the 200. I highly recommend it. Don
A lot nicer than the 200

Good enough for me. Thanks Don.

Thanks also for putting up with my endless emails.
Does it come with it's own tray?

Most of the literature I've seen so far states that the radio will fit exsisting trays. Does it come with it's own mounting hardware?

Looks like a sweet deal.
It comes with the tray and plug. It does just slip in the 200 tray so it is true plug and play for those that have a 200 installed. Of course you will have to add the pins for the GPS interface. Don

I've email the info to several friends. probably account for 3 or 4 orders.

But 1 question. Is the intercom feature improved from the A200? any way to have audio input(ipod) without going thru a seperate intercomm/audio panel?

OK that's 2 questions, but I would still like to know.

Seems as if the new radio has a VOX intercom, but it is not stereo. A200 is a really crummy hot mike deal that seems universally hated by all. I ran my IPOD input to my stereo Sigtronics S200S via the aux input on the intercom. I fed my marker tones from my Val INS 422 and Dynon AOA tone through the Icom's aux inputs. Icom provides 3 aux inputs to their radio board, which is really sweet. In the testing stage now, and will post results. I may have to install aux pots to control tone volumes, but I am upgrading from the Icom 200 to the 210, so I will wait and see how the new radio chassis behaves with the tone inputs

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