Michael Henning

Well Known Member
I have a Icom A-200 being run through a Flightcom 403 Stereo Intercom that is wired with a Vans wiring harness. When I connect the intercom to the radio, the radio transmits, even if the PTT buttons are disconnected. If I disconnect the radio from intercom, it doesn't transmit. I have verified that the three wires that connect the two units are correct and that the wires are going into the correct position on the radio.

Any thoughts?
Clearly the wire attached to the ICOM PTT input is at ground.
I'd have guessed you'd have needed 4 wires, minimum: mike from intercom to the Com, audio out from the com to intercom, a common (ground) connecting the intercom and the com, and a PTT line. I'd have wired the PTT directly from the PTT switch to the radio, not even bothering with the intercom.
I have one headset that will cause that effect in OPA. (Other People's Airplanes) Try unplugging any and all headsets, and see what happens. If that solves the issue, then plug back in, first the audio, then the microphone, and observe.
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Thanks for the help guys. So i went thru all of the wires, especially the PTT wires, and all was good. I took the cover off of the Vans wiring harness and noticed pin 13 was sticking out, so I pushed it in. I went to slide the connector back on, and pin 13 pushed back out. So I looked at the hole to see if it was blocked and checked the numbering. Well, long story short, Flightcom put the D-sub connector in upside down, and pin 13 was going into the gap between the upside down plug and the outer metal frame of the plug (and none of the other holes were lined up), so nothing was going to work on this intercom (Flightcom 403). The unit is out of warranty (real slowww build), but I will contact Vans first, and factory if needed and will post results here.

The good news is I am not a total dumb ass:D
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Flightcom rocks!

Just got off the phone with Bruce from Flightcom and told him about the upside down jack and also that the unit is 5 years out of warranty. No problem, he is shipping me a brand new unit today.:D