
Legacy Member
If you get a chance to see Ice Pilots on theb History Channel, do it!

The series is about a Canadian airline that flies DC-3s, C-46s, DC-4s, and some other cool old planes in temps down to -40.

Now if I can find a place to download #13.
If you get a chance to see Ice Pilots on theb History Channel, do it!

The series is about a Canadian airline that flies DC-3s, C-46s, DC-4s, and some other cool old planes in temps down to -40.

Now if I can find a place to download #13.

i've got #13, give me a place to upload it and it's yours
Ice pilots

The gear up landing by the Turkies right after getting the water bomber all the way there, and the dumping the ashes of the old mechanic where CLASSIC. Oh and swaping the huge radial engine with a ladder and forklift in the middle of nowhere...great great show.
How to view

A while back I was able to stream the first 2 episodes, but now I can't view anything but the trailers. Any idea how to access these?
