
Well Known Member
Any PIREPS on IAT? Sounds like they have been in the market for a year or two.
I've used them for a few years. Good price, EAB friendly.

Fortunately no claims service to report.

Claim with IAT

I was insured with IAT. Had an off field landing on an RV7 due to engine failure resulting in a total loss. They won’t insure me and I can’t get insurance for the next year or two from any other company, 3 yrs from Avemco. I don’t understand the reason not to reinsure someone with a recent loss and the insurance companies can’t give a reason meaning there is no data supporting someone is more likely to have another accident than someone who hasn’t had an accident. And waiting a year or two to reinsure someone does what exactly???

I’m 54yo and have 882 total hrs, 500 hrs in RV’s in the last 5 yrs, IFR rated, no previous claims or accidents ever and no incidents with the FAA
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I have a good friend that owns a large insurance company that is a world wide group. I asked him what data the underwriters are using to deny coverage based on over 65 and especially 70 and older and he bluntly said, none. It’s just they have decided they are riskier so are not allowing them to fly single pilot anymore on turbines.
I never thought it would be some arbitrary number that underwriters plucked from thin air that would ground me, but it’s beginning to look that way.
And we were scared of the FAA!!
So as not to hijack this thread I suspect we can all be ready to deal with arbitrary denials and greatly increased rates with zero explanations from the underwriters. Our broker had to really work hard to secure any coverage for us.