
Active Member

I have the Dynon D-100 and an analogical Airspeed Indicator as a backup, but the IAS doesn't math in both instruments. Is not a big difference but I think both indications should be the same, what could be the reason?
How far off are they? If only a few knots then that is no problem and is probably the internal workings of the analog device . If more than a few knots then you need to check it. The times I have heard this happening the problem has always been with the analog IAS indicator. But you never know until you check it.

It is more than likely an error with the analog. Remember back to private pilot training and installation errors were talked about, this is most likely the issue.
I made a simple manometer and used it to verify the calibration of my GRT and analog ASI. All you need is some tubing and attach it to the pitot tube, add water as described below, measure the height of the water and calculate what the IAS should be and see what the analog and Dynon read to see which is off and by how much. won't take more than 30-60 minutes to make it and do the calibration:)

I keep it around and have used it to check for static leaks and loaned it to several folks to trouble shoot their pitot static systems.
Thanks for your answers. Yes, it's only a few knots. Not a big problem and only use the Dynon. It was only as a curiosity. I will do this simple calibration some day :)