
Well Known Member
I haven't had the pleasure (?) of trying to transit the IAH/HOU Class B area yet, but will be going to EFD soon. What's your general take on the ability to get Class B transition and what route do they give you? The TAC flyway chart has suggestions for staying out of the Class B, but given that EFD is right near the middle of the Class B, it'd be a lot easier to get cleared through.

Also, is anyone going to the Wings Over Houston show at EFD in late October?
Just go left

I recommend you go around on the east side. Much easier than trying to go thru... you never know where they will vector you. Ellington is closer to the east side of the Class B, you will be there in no time.
RV8N said:
I recommend you go around on the east side. Much easier than trying to go thru... you never know where they will vector you. Ellington is closer to the east side of the Class B, you will be there in no time.
Thanks! I'm used to getting cleared across the DAL Class B between ADS and RBD - pretty easy most of the time, cross Love at 2000 ft. Didn't know if there was a similar unofficial route in Houston.

RV8N said:
RV-8 N288K
1999 BMW R100RS
2005 MINI Cooper S
Oh, man! No fair! You got all the fun toys! :D
Don't count on getting to come across town above 2000' unless you're on an IFR flight plan. And even then you may still get assigned 2000' and vectored all over the county. When it's busy, they push us "little guys" down and well clear of the big airports.

As mentioned above, your best bet for staying high going to EFD would be to come around the east side of the Class B, then decending in over the bay. Otherwise, you'll get beat to death zig zagging across downtown or around one side or the other. If you have someone on board that won't like the heat and bumps, don't even think about the I-10 corridor. I did that to one of my daughters trying to save 5 mins. I still feel bad about that bad move.
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Karl and Bryan are right - Houston Approach is none to friendly to GA...VFR or IFR.

Going form EFD to Dallas (or vice versa), I usually go in and out the west side....but if I'm VFR, it is going to be below the floor of the Class B, because that's where they'll send you. Coming from Dallas, if you call Approach up when you're in range, they'll send you around the west side most of the time, because of their IAH routes. If you like staying high, the east side is a good idea, but it is longer. I usually bite the bullet, get down below the floor of the Class B, head for Sugarland, pass it on the South, then straight east (shoot the gap between the Missouri City Antennas and Houston Southwest airport) to EFD. Saves distance, but adds bumps....

If you talk to approach, you're almost sure to be below the Class B anyway, even IFR....fortunately, with the speed of an RV, you are not down there very long!

Also, if I might add keep a sharp eye out for inbound and out bound NASA t-38's and the Gaurd unit F16's. Those 38's are almost invisable at 12 and will be there quick. They also have ALOT of mil traffic inbound on that thurs @ friday of the Airshow. Have fun!!!
Been to EFD several times for Certification inspections. I have learned to NOT call approach. They tend to vector you everywhere but where you want to go. At least this has been my experience. I use DFW approach often, but Houston has not been very friendly to me.
dillonz1 said:
Also, if I might add keep a sharp eye out for inbound and out bound NASA t-38's and the Gaurd unit F16's. Those 38's are almost invisable at 12 and will be there quick. They also have ALOT of mil traffic inbound on that thurs @ friday of the Airshow. Have fun!!!
Thanks! My mother lives down by EFD and we hear the mil traffic coming and going a lot - T-38s, F-15/16/18s and AH-64s. I'd like to get in and out of there once on a normal weekend before trying to do it on airshow weekend. I have great memories of going to the airshows at EFD, including a Vulcan bomber demo and waiting out a thunderstorm under the belly of a AH-1 (no, there isn't much room under there).

Given what everyone is saying, I will pass on trying to get Class B transition. Thanks for the help - otherwise I'd be going dizzy from being vectored.
the_other_dougreeves said:
Thanks! My mother lives down by EFD and we hear the mil traffic coming and going a lot - T-38s, F-15/16/18s and AH-64s. I'd like to get in and out of there once on a normal weekend before trying to do it on airshow weekend. I have great memories of going to the airshows at EFD, including a Vulcan bomber demo and waiting out a thunderstorm under the belly of a AH-1 (no, there isn't much room under there).
Off topic, but following up on a neat point made above. Except for Edwards AFB, I doubt you'll see a more varied collection of planes at airport other than Ellington. At EFD, I've been in the pattern at one time with an F-16, 15 & 14. back when I had a Cub, I was making T&G's on 17-35 while a 767 was making T&G's on 4-22! Plenty of F-18's visit lately. C-14's, C-5's, 135's, 141's, 130's. Saw a CG Falcon the other day. CG Dolphins, Apaches on the field. NASA stuff - Guppy, Gulfstreams, C-9, T-38s, WB-57s. The shuttle and 747 has stopped in a couple of times. Was holding to take off a few years ago and looked up to see what looked like a U-2 go sailing by with a blue USAF pickup truck chasing it (was a TR-1 I believe).

Had a big-a$$ Tupolev something or another there a few days ago. AF1 couple of times a year. Had the G8 conference planes there a few years back.

Then there's the Collings Foundation planes - F-4, A-4, T-33, S-2, MiG-21, 17, L-29, and some others. Couple of Strikemasters, 4 or 5 L-39's, Stearmans, etc.

And a bunch of those little homemade planes!
And don't forget the good old "Weightless Wonder IV" on the pylon out front!! (Boy, there are days on THAT I wish I could forget.....)

Houston Class B

I agree with all of the above. Houston is busy and they like you to stay out of the "B." I did have VFR traffic advisories (flight following) one day and the controller vectored me into the "B" without a clearance. When I pointed it out to him he immediately gave me the magic "Cleared into Bravo." I have TIS and it was obvious that if he pushed me out the bottom I would be mixing it up with a lot of folks he was also following. It was easier to leave me up the extra 500 feet. He was very friendly so it was a good experience but worrysome until the three magic words were heard!
I got my CFII at Ellington and it was never a problem landing there. The traffic flow was usually not too busy and clearance was never a problem. The controllers are a lot of retired AF types. Good folks.