
Well Known Member
I'm gearing up to take my instrument check ride so I'm going through the motions of filling out IACRA. The '2. Certificate Sougt' tab is red because I've not yet chosen my aircraft and listed total/pic time for selected aircraft. The problem is, the search function can't find my plane.

Under the '2. Certificate Sought' tab, I've:
Type of Certificate you are applying for: Private Pilot
Select Restricted or Standard: Standard
Select the certificate Basis: CFR 61 - Completion of Required Test
Select the type of Issuance: Added Instrument Rating
Click on the applicable links below to enter data about the certificate you are seeking:
Click here to Enter the Completion of Required Test Information
Click here to Select the Category/Class Ratings

The 'Click here to Enter the Completion of Required Test Information' opens a tab with another link titled 'Click here to select First Aircraft to be used'. Selecting this link opens yet another tab titled 'Make Model Series'. You can then specify the search criteria either by 'ID or Type' or 'By Description'. I've tried my N-number (N711VZ, 711VZ), Experimental, RV, RV7, RV7A, etc with no results of any kind. I can search for 'Cessna' so that demonstrates it's not browser related.

I've looked at the FAQ, help documents, and even called the IACRA help desk (no answer despite having 7x24 hours).

So, for you guys that used your experimental, how did you get past this step?

Thank you,
Unless you have an exhibition/experimental certificate I suggest you use the homebuilt option ;)

Search for HOME in the IACRA field.
Searching for 'HOME' results in two entries:
What's the difference?

Curious how you guys know this or found out about this. I looked in the FAQ and 'IACRA Instruction Manual (8.7)' and there was no mention of these as far as I could tell.

Thank you,
I found out during my IACRA help-desk call last month when my DPE and I were trying to solve this exact same puzzle.
I went through the same issue when I did my Instrument checkride in my RV-7 last year. Since then, I've spoken to/helped at least three other RV pilots get IACRA to accept their homebuilt nomenclature.

Seems there are a lot of people recently who have determined that the RV is OK for IFR.
Some of the guys I have spoken to who's wives travel with them a good bit said their wives prefer the backseat because it gives them more personal space. This is from guys who have had both airplanes.

In my case, I selected the -9 because it was to be a replacement for my 1941 Tcraft and my back does not allow me to do high G stuff. Thus the -9 was a natural.

The one advantage to the side-by-side models is that you can access the baggage compartment in flight. It is nice being able to reach your lunchbox or in my wife's case, a pillow and blanket as she almost always sleeps on long trips.