
Well Known Member
This is an amazing story. I am embarrassed at how much I have complained about climbing back into the womb of my 9A to sit down. I may have to take a trip to Italy just to meet this guy!
no limits.jpg
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I was feeling super frustrated over my firewall forward tasks yesterday. Woke up today to that story. I slapped myself and said quit your whining. Somehow the universe knew I needed to hear his story today. Just amazing!
Looking at the trees it looks to be a rather low IFR day , where there’s the will the way will be found.
The bigger issue is getting out and away from a crashed airframe, possibly on fire!

When you are as motivated as someone like the picture, they have already accepted that risk. Their will to fly overcomes the risks involved. It's a choice just like any other in life. I love the pic, the story is very inspiring!
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Thankful I can

I'm always thankful I can even see as I've been blown up twice and burned my eyes the first time so bad the doctors kept my eyes covered for a week. Scary for sure.
Second time I had safety glasses on and was shown them to me after I could see again and said if I didn't have the glasses on I would have been blind. Bunches of copper bebe's in the glass lenses. More scary!!!!!!!
Yes I am very thankful I'm not in his condition. I like to walk. Oh ya fly also.
I understand Jessica Cox is building an RV-10. She was born with no arms and has been flying an Ercoupe with just her feet for the last decade or so.

The indomitable human spirit, an amazing thing.