
Well Known Member
I just found out that I won a $30 gift certificate to Avery's for donating to the VAF.

The VAF is so good to me that I would like to donate my prize to someone that may need a tool since I already have what I need from Avery's.

Please repy if your someone that is just starting out and that really could use a tiny boost to your project! If you already have tons of tools and or have tons of funds for your project, please let someone else grab it! Be honest!

I will collect replies for about 24 hours and then enter them all into a random list generator and whoever comes out on top gets the money!

Good luck!
You're a good guy Brian, with this 'Zen of VAF' kinda thing you're doing here! You're ever in Dallas you look me up...dinner's on me.

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Im not a charity case... but im stuck on my fuel tanks until I get my hands on a flairing tool. I was planning on borrowing one from the EAA chapter, so im in no dire need! Good idea tho, I'm sure somebody will make good use of it.
Keep it? Nope, I just want to give something back to the great community we have here. You don't have to be a charity case to get it, just someone who could use it and will put whatever you buy with it to good use on your project....:D
It's very generous Brian

I remember myself three years ago pinching pennies for tools. There are lots of beginning builders in need of these $30. They probably not browsing the forum every day.I would recommend that you extend your granting period and award anonymously.

I suggest that when you find a recipient for the gift certificate that you place a condition on the gift that whenever that person is done with whatever they buy with it, that they give it to someone else who may need it.

That way it keeps going.
i'll throw my name in that hat!!

i'm in the collecting tools/preparing work space stage...

even though i'm throwing my name in the hat, i agree with Gieco, it's your prize!! :cool:

i appreciate the gracious gift (to someone) :)
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I suggest that when you find a recipient for the gift certificate that you place a condition on the gift that whenever that person is done with whatever they buy with it, that they give it to someone else who may need it.

I'd second that idea. :) Pay it forward.
Keep it? Nope, I just want to give something back to the great community we have here. You don't have to be a charity case to get it, just someone who could use it and will put whatever you buy with it to good use on your project....:D

I need a new 3" reach SS squeezer! ;)


What a neat thing to do. I do not need it but I would like to nominate a friend - kevinyocom (user name here).

I took him for a ride in my RV6 in October and by the end of November he had ordered the complete slow build RV8 kit. He wanted to get the complete kit on order and paid for before the annual price increase. He did order a complete set of tools from Avery or Cleavland but I know he probably needs something.

He only received the Empennage around the first of December and is almost finished with it.

How about this -

How about I put the $30 toward a tungsten bucking bar. When I'm done I'll give the bar and my clecos to the next guy. He adds something when he's done. After about 50 years, we'll be passing around a whole tool kit.

I'll throw my name in there too. Will gladly pass it along when I am finished. Possibly write up a story behind the tool and it might get into a magazine or something?!?
Still time to get your name on the list, I think I will keep this going for another day to give everyone a chance to get in if they want to....
while my build has stalled due to finances, a new tool or two won't help.

Now if it were an Enginebuilder or SteinAir or SamJames certificate, I'd be all over it.

Good Karma to you, Brian
i'd like to respectfully withdraw my name from the hat.. there are currently guys building (or at least closer to building than me).

i agree "pay it forward" great idea!! :D

(maybe i can be the 2nd "pay it forward" builder) :D:D

You can pull out if you want, but your more than welcome to stay in the running....
Buy some caps or t-shirts

Hi Brantel

on another level you could call Avery and buy some VAF caps or T-shirts (if any left), so you give parts of the price to the charity supported by Doug.
I ended up doing this when Mr Avery didn't want me to pay the return shipping of a tool he had fixed for me (return shipping was to France, great people at Avery).
We have a winner!

And the winner is by random selection on random.ord "MNForrest"!

He has been sent a PM to let him know how to claim his prize.

I do not want to limit him in how he uses this small gift but there are several good ideas listed here in this thread.

Best of luck on your build MNForrest!
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And the winner is "MNForrest"!

Best of luck on your build MNForrest!

CONGRATS!!! :cool:

How about I put the $30 toward a tungsten bucking bar. When I'm done I'll give the bar and my clecos to the next guy. He adds something when he's done. After about 50 years, we'll be passing around a whole tool kit.


i'll hit you up in a few short years for a tungsten bar and some clecos!! :D:D

Brian, thanks for kicking this off!! :cool:

I never win anything. This is great. I think I'll go spend my whole RV fund on lotto tickets. Then I could buy a whole fleet of VAN's QB's - with turbines and everything.

Thanks a ton. I'll make very good use of it.
