
Well Known Member


Fund Raiser Opportunity

I'd say we do a fund raiser and when the goal is reached, Gus and Doug have to cut their hair. Bet we could make that a successful one.

Sorry Doug, couldn't resist.
why has he got a fire exit on his head ?? :) oh sorry, its an extinguisher!!
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Mini-Gus might work also <grin>.

Just in from a day of air-2-air and walking and talking and eating, etc. In the apartment for a couple of hours then off to the banquet.

I shot (713) pictures today...most turned around in the 8A demonstrator with Joe flying. I am tired <g>.

OK, must shower and download pics to laptop.

Feeling the love <g>,

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Wanting badly to come up with something clever to add here nothing was coming to me. Then I realized that I was humming "Tip Toe, Thru the Tulips."

It's quite possible that the Burning Man thing was already "THE" perfect caption for this picture.

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Start a new trend, locks of love, makes wigs for kids who lose their hair from Kemo. That would be some good publicity, help really sick kids and a good warm fuzzy inside. My better half loses her long hair for a trendy "bop" cut every year or so for this cause. And you guys will look like aviators instead of smugglers! :D

Don't worry bout the gray...they will dye that out!
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Rick S. said:
Start a new trend, locks of love, makes wigs for kids who lose their hair from Kemo. ..snip
My 12yr old daughter just did that and is turning the screws on me to do same - something tells me I'll be doing it <g>.

Waiting for the Boeing now at PDX (free wireless).

Caption Idea

I was thinking of the following:

"What conditioner do you use? Your hair looks so full. I'll just have to try it."