I think the key here is whether you will feel comfortable seeing this damage every time you look at this part and wishing you had replaced it. The photos are not very clear, so I can?t comment on the extent of the damage or whether it will lead to cracking or a structural issue at some point in the future. Airplanes are never perfect. Figure out what your personal tolerance for imperfections is and carry on. :p
I'd give the guys in Aurora a call to answer the question from a structural viewpoint - and your call on the cosmetics - but I've "built on" through a number of dings and now the paint shop is helping by putting a little filler here and there. A few dings (rudder x 2 for example) will remain but I think of them as reminders of the "battle" that I ultimately won.

My joke is that if the FAA ever needs me to prove I built it just bring in the DNA evidence team. There's enough of mine in there to prove it!
Towards the end of the build, you will mutter ?shoot? and move on. Nothing that anyone will see here after a little burnishing.

Thanks for the advice. I?ve been reading these forums for years but now that I?m actually building instead of dreaming I think they will be even more helpful . Going to go pay some more dues:)