Louise Hose

Well Known Member
Well, I guess I have now officially joined the ranks of a future builder. Paul and Bear gave me a set of Preview Plans for an RV-3B. Just what every woman wants from her fiance on their first Christmas. :rolleyes: I guess next year will be a tail kit! But, then again, he also gave me the touchingly romantic Halo headset.....citing my angelic qualities!

Seriously, it has been a wonderful RV Christmas. the presents were wonderful and we mostly put Mikey back together yesterday. We would have fired him up, if we didn't chose to enjoy a little more traditional activities last night.
Louise that is cool. I got a Halo from Santa as well. I can't wait to use it. If I would of had it when Paul came over the other day I would of begged him for a ride to try it out.

Glad you guys had a great Christmas. Lets get Mickey back in the air so we can see some pics.