
Well Known Member
Last weekend my 11 year old daughter Jenna became my very first passenger in my RV. We, or should I say, she flew us to get a couple of $100 hamburgers at Harris Ranch (3O8). We both had a great time. Hope you enjoy:

I had the pleasure of giving Jenna her very first flight when she was only 9 months old in my Aeronca Sedan:


Then, the RV bug hit:


She helped a bit with Cleco duties:


Then, she was the very first person to actually sit in the fuselage and make airplane noises:


So, last weekend, she got to make airplane noises for real:


And relieved me of my flying duties for a bit:


At Harris Ranch:


My first co-pilot:


Of course, we have to have some video to go along with it. There are plenty of RV grins in this one of her first take off:

So, can you smell cattle from the air? Watch to find out:

We had a great time. Tonight I shuttled the plane to it's new home at RHV from E16 and of course, Jenna came along.

Thank you Van for making these kinds of moments possible.

Keep pounding those rivets boys and girls! The time is going to go by no matter what. You might as well have an airplane at the end of it!

Kelly and Jenna......what a fantastic writeup and video's!!! The pics of the stages of RV building life and Jenna were priceless! Many happy flights.....I see another pilot in the family in the future....start building the second RV:D:eek:

Great chapter in the novel of life!

Looking at those pics definitely reinforces your point about time going by and you're right, you may as well have a plane at the end of it. Congrats to both of you!
what a wonderful post

I very much enjoyed the family album watching your project and your daughter grow up. You are a lucky dad. Enjoy the time together, it goes by way too fast.
I thought i never wanted kids...

So, we never had any. Now at 61, it's posts and photo's lke yours that really make me question my decisions...

Beautiful post, beautiful daughter, wonderful memories for you and her. Thanks for sharing.

That's so cool! Mine is 16 months now and I can't wait to take her. Hopefully she will be my best flying partner, if my wife ever lets me go without her... :D