
Legacy Member
Some of the "New Builder" threads got me thinking.

I remember when I first had a part that will go in a part that will go on the airplane. That very quickly turned into, I remember when I had a part that will go on the airplane!

I remember when I let a friend's kids sit in the plane and make airplane noises while the fuselage was still in my basement.

What do you remember?
The excitement of creating actual recognizable airplane parts on the empennage kit...

The realization, halfway through the right wing, that I really AM building a freaking airplane!

As for the parts that go into parts that go into an airplane, I consider each hour in the shop to be "just reducing the parts count" from all the parts in the kits. One day I'll have that parts count reduced to 1, and it will be time to go fly.
I DO remember when

I remember when "I" sat in the fuselage making airplane noises.... oh wait... that was LAST weekend. :D Do you remember that, Bill? I do remember starting the HS and VS. Then, I met Moonpie and she helped with the rudder, elevators, wings and fuselage. WOW, so long ago. Got married as the fuselage arrived and 16 months later, we BOTH sat in the plane and made airplane noises!! What a gal!

I remember the sinking feeling the first time I buggered up a part (HS spar) when drilling out poorly driven rivets. And then the elated feeling when I went to Van's Aircraft online store and found that the replacement parts were all of about $25.
Remember When

I remember when I knew all the RV builders and flyer's in north Texas 1996,,,,, And there was no Vans Aircraft Forums..............
Now, 2009, I have helped build on a major portion of 32 RVs and can't remember what I had for lunch yesterday. :rolleyes: :p
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I remember having parts left over and wondering where the heck do they go!?
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I remember when I knew all the RV builders and flyer's in north Texas,,,,, And there was no Vans Aircraft Forums..............
Now I have helped build on a major portion of 32 RVs and can't remember what I had for lunch yesterday. :rolleyes: :p

We need to start an RV Hall of Fame.

First nomination is Mel, Jay, and DR for starting VAF.

DR get on it! ;)
An entire RV cost $12K

My ex and I toured the factory when it was still out in North Plains and she asked Ken Scott how much one of those airplanes cost. "The kit costs $12K"...."oh, thats not that bad." He did not mention everything else needed to make it actually work.
$80K later, and sans one wife, it was done.
Ken was, has been, and still is a very good friend. Thanks Ken. Two great things came out of that trip:rolleyes:
Love at First Sight

I remember receiving the April 1996 issue of Kitplanes magazine with the brand-new RV-8 on the cover and saying out loud to no one in particular, "That's IT! That's what I'm going to build someday!" (I still have that issue in my filing cabinet. I'm going to frame it someday.)

My resolve was cemented by sitting in the prototype of the RV-8 at Oshkosh 1997. They had to politely ask me to get the heck out of there and let someone else have a chance. :)
Oh Baby

I remember on the way home from grade school some of us guys would drop into the drug store to ogle the latest Playboy. I would hang around until everyone left then I would ogle the Fly Baby centerfold in Mechanics Illustrated. I couldn't believe you could actually build an airplane. I was hooked. Since then I've become a repeat offender. Oh, I also got the other kind of hooked. ;)
I remember when one of my young Flight Controllers came to my office for a little mentoring chat, and mentioned that he had started building an RV-7. We talked about the kit, and how they had Quickbuilds - and he gave me the Van's web address. I wen to the site, saw the RV-8....and NEW, right then, that I had found my airplane!

Three weeks later, the tail kit was on its way...

First Rivet!

Hey Bill: I remember visiting you in your basement (March 05) when your RV-9 filled up the whole basement! You gave me a lesson in how to rivet as my tail kit was ordered and I wanted to start out right! You took the time to give me the basic's and it was well appreciated!
Randy "Utz" Utsey
N55CU / RV-7 / 180 hrs
Charlotte, N.C.
Hey Bill: I remember visiting you in your basement (March 05) when your RV-9 filled up the whole basement! You gave me a lesson in how to rivet as my tail kit was ordered and I wanted to start out right! You took the time to give me the basic's and it was well appreciated!
Randy "Utz" Utsey
N55CU / RV-7 / 180 hrs
Charlotte, N.C.

And look what happened, you built a beautiful airplane. Not only that, but you have been flying the heck out of it!

For those of you who don't know, Randy owns that beautiful yellow RV-7 w/ the matching three bladed prop that graced this web site last fall.
I remember when I knew all the RV builders and flyer's in north Texas 1996,,,,, And there was no Vans Aircraft Forums..............
Now, 2009, I have helped build on a major portion of 32 RVs and can't remember what I had for lunch yesterday. :rolleyes: :p

Jay, IIRC, We went to Rio Concho, but you didn't eat lunch yesterday, at least not while I was there...;)