
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
....a Paul Tuttle original that is! :cool:

For those that don't know what I'm talking about, Paul is an RV-8 Builder, Aircraft Firefighter, and a superb aviation artist. Doug has posted links to Paul's on-line gallery before, and I was stunned, humbled, and thrilled last year when he surprised us all with a painting that he did of my airplane, the Valkyrie. (See this thread)

I knew as soon as I saw the picture that sooner or later I would have to ask Paul if he would be willing to part with it. After working through my IRS forms a few weeks ago, it looked like I could afford a bit of an indulgence, so I wrote to Paul and made an offer - and the painting arrived today - and the colors and life are magnificent - the digital images don't do it justice. I told Paul that for the next few years, it will probably be displayed in my office at work, until I get the chance to build my airport home out in the Hill Country.

I also told Paul that if his RV is built anywhere near as meticulously and strong as the package that he built around the painting, he's going to have an Oshkosh award winner on his hands... :D

Thanks again Paul, for sharing your talent with the aviation world!


I remember this from the original post... It is truly an amazing work of art (both the airplane and the painting). I know you must be thrilled!
A Picture for Mr. Tuttle

I thought he might like a picture of the pair - the painting and the plane- with a bald guy in the way.... :rolleyes:


That's a neat thing for me to see. I was doing some final touches on it just a few days ago now it's in Texas (seems bigger). It would seem Mr. Dye and I have a fair bit in comman, RV8, Firefighter same hair line . :D I hope he gets many years of enjoyment from it and the aircraft it depicts.
Another similarity is...

...same first name, too!
I've seen Valkyrie and she is a fine lady. I'm sure the painting does her justice! :D
Congratulations to both of you Pauls for excellent work!
