
Good day, Ladles & Gentlemints ...

I need the collective wisdom of you all. And i'm not here to advertise anything.

Currently I have been selling the Stratus ESG ADSB-Out for about $2200 and the Stratus 3i ADSB-In for about $450. I sell between 2 and 3 a month, almost exclusively to the homebuilt market. I do no advertising; everything is word of mouth.

In your collective opinion is the homebuilt market saturated or are folks still procrastinating ADSB installations?

Forgot to add ... these units are TSOd for both experimental and factory built.

Thanks for any help.

RST Engineering
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Good day, Ladles & Gentlemints ...

I need the collective wisdom of you all. And i'm not here to advertise anything.

Currently I have been selling the Stratus ESG ADSB-Out for about $2200 and the Stratus 3i ADSB-In for about $450. I sell between 2 and 3 a month, almost exclusively to the homebuilt market. I do no advertising; everything is word of mouth.

Stratus has offered me a #*ll of a deal if I can sell 5 a month between now and December (20 total units)

The deal is the Stratus ESG-Out for $2200 with a free Stratus 3i.
Or, the Stratus ESG-Out alone for $2100.

Or a mixture of both totaling 20 ESG units by New Years.

In your collective opinion is the homebuilt market saturated or are folks still procrastinating ADSB installations?

Thanks for any help.

RST Engineering

Wow, what a deal! I am installing that exact package in our C182B towplane as we speak. Unfortunately the avionics shop insists that I buy the boxes through them - which is reasonable and as you would expect. They are giving me some discount, but nothing like that.
Count me in as one of the procrastinators. Something about turning over big wads of cash for just about anything goes against my instincts. I have been reluctantly looking for an ADS-B solution for my RV-4 and had finally settled on the ESG and 3i but had not yet signed a check. I am definitely interested. What a deal!
I went with the Dynon stuff for the 8, since it incorporated so well into the rest of the system, but bought a Stratus ESG from Jim for my 6a a few years ago. He was very helpful with advice for the install and I've recommended him to others.

Don't really have a response for the primary question, though, regarding how many are yet to comply...
Excellent deal. I am going to hit up some of my certified customers looking at doing the upgrade. This is a less costly and better setup than the skybeacon/skysensor.
I?m installing that combination now. Paid more (but qualified for the FAA rebate so it will net out about the same). No operational experience yet, but the units, accessories, and documentation are quite good. Happy with my choice so far.
STRATUS ESG with 3i. ADSB In & Out

I signed up for the deal. Thanks to all that responded. You can see the final result at the RST Engineering website www.rstengineering.com.

Thanks again,


For anyone considering installing this in your aircraft; I HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT. It?s a great price!!
We installed this in our RV6 in April 2017 and it has performed without fail. In to Foreflight and 9.7? iPad Pro. Passed the FAA test first time.
We bought ours from AS along with a prewired harness.

I bought a garmin 335. Out only cost almost 4 grand. I had planned to buy stratus esg. But i let the avionics guy talk me into spending more for less capability. I recommend stratus!
ESG/3I availability?

Jim, are you still offering this package? I?ve been unable to contact you by PM, email or phone (answering machine, no return call). Ready to purchase.
Jim, are you still offering this package? I?ve been unable to contact you by PM, email or phone (answering machine, no return call). Ready to purchase.

Had a friend purchase one. Was told it would ship first week of Sept but that came and went. My friend called Appareo to check on order status and they told him it was ready to ship but Jim has to do something on his end to finalize order. Won't respond to emails or calls. Not sure what to do at this point. Hope he is ok.
I don't want to undercut Jim's offer, but if unable to get in his group buy call Stark Avionics in Columbus, GA. I bought mine there, shipped promptly, and I think you will like the price. :)
I don't want to undercut Jim's offer, but if unable to get in his group buy call Stark Avionics in Columbus, GA. I bought mine there, shipped promptly, and I think you will like the price. :)

Good to know, thanks Sam. I have purchased from John in the past and have had a great experience with him.