
I am just getting started on a 7 silder and need to get some tools ordered. i purchaced a tail done except the fiberglass work. I will be doing a QB fuse and wings. If i get a kit are there tools i wont need because i have the tail done and am going with a QB?
Go for the VAF Cap!

Start economizing on shipping costs right away. Order your VAF cap from Avery, and you'll get their catalog at the same time!:)


PS You probably have to phone to order the cap 'cause it's not on Avery's web page.
Get em all, it's all good.

You're going to need all the tools and then you're going to need more. Start with a good tool kit from Avery or Cleaveland to get started. Only a very few minor things you wont need in one of those tool kits. A few things to add would be some utility files a bunch of scotch brite pads (Buy stock in 3M now) extra numbered drill bits a right angle drill (got mine from Avery) something to cut aluminum with (bandsaw maybe or a right angle grinder from home depot). You're list'l go on from there, you'll be amazed at the selection you end up with and your wife or girlfriend will love ya for it. Word of caution; you're gonna hate the honey do lists'.