
I'm interested in finding someone in or near Florida (I'm in Deland) that would be interested in helping me do some Acro in my Rv-7. I'm a competent pilot that flys daily for work and on days off in the RV. Gentleman acro is all I want to do (rolls, loops, etc) I have a friend that is competitive in the IAC events (advanced) but flies a Giles and has no Rv time so I would prefer someone experienced in RVs and know the planes characteristics. I can pay cash, provide flight instruction (flight reviews, etc), buy food drink or just be eternally greatful whatever form of payment works best for you :cool: My days off are usually Sunday's and Mondays but I can try to adjust if needed. P.s I don't have parachutes
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We have a group that flys in on Sundays ( we are not out of the Creek ) about 6-9 airplanes ( 1 RV sometimes 2 ) PM me your phone # .
Contact Kevin Campbell. He is the president of IAC Chapter 89 in Ocala. You can find his contact information at IAC.org

The IAC isn't just for competitive aerobatics. Recreational aerobatics are a big part of what we do. You can still join the IAC for free, too.
An aerobatic epistle by Van

Very relevant and informative. I took aerobatic dual in a Decathalon, read Vans article and my loops and rolls have been a little rough but safe. No spins though.
Thanks guys
@gzero I sent ou a PM
@ronschreck I think I met Kevin Campbell. Does he fly a yellow/black mx2?
@fl-Mike appreciate the info
@jimwoo50 I have read it twice, thanks for the response
Just a quick add-on:
Acro will make you a better pilot, and you will feel better flying!
Maybe you don't think so now, but Acro Stalls/spins are quickly learned, safe and easy. You may worry about dis-orientation now, but instruction finds your orientation.
Once you have that under your belt, the specter of a "coffin corner" landing accident practically vanishes, because you will know the feel of your RV, and never let that happen.
So Much Fun!
Ron! Thanks for being there (IAC) and here.
I(I'm in Deland) that would be interested in helping me do some Acro in my Rv-7. I have a friend that is competitive in the IAC events (advanced) but flies a Giles and has no Rv time

If your friend is Alain... Just go fly with him. If he can fly a Giles, he can fly an RV.