
Well Known Member
My com port one seems to be dead. It will not receive or send data to the Garmin 430W. I have checked all of the wiring and setup screens on the 430. I have rung out all of the wires as well. It appears to be wired correctly. I just can't get the two to talk. I did move the serial lines coming from the garmin to com port 3. It appeared to be sending data to the garmin.

Anybody ran into this problem?
I will try to help. Have you run the comm test per the manuel to see if it's comm? Have you check ARINC connections make sure. I had a problem with mine and AFS sent me a ARINC box and test harness. They worked with me over the phone while i was at the plane. I had my ARINC connected to Serial port 3 and it wouldn't comm. I moved it to the DB-9 Conn on the back of the EFIS everything worked. Must have been bad connection on my part.
Check this and let me know. Brent
Thanks Brent. Rob Hickman sent me his cell number and I gave him a call. The EFIS checks out fine. I am begining to think it is the serial port on the Garmin 430W. It could be wiring or a burned up port. Tomorrow, I will replace the wiring. If that does not fix it, I will swap to another com port on the 430. Thanks for the advice.
Update, the #1 com port (out) on a brand new Garmin 430W was dead. Swapped to the #3 port and all is well.

I guess I need to send the radio/GPS back. Dang, I hate to do that.