
Well Known Member
Im in a bit of a bind here. I joined a flying club that has an RV-7A, but the club insurance requires 10 hours in a 6A or 7A and they wont budge. I have 1 hour in a 7A, 5 hours in an RV-7 (required for my RV-3 insurance), and 400+ hours in an RV-3. It could take a month of Sundays to accumulate 9 more hours in the club 7A due to scheduling issues with their CFI's. Are there any 6A/7A pilots that can help me out? I'm based out of KCCR. I'll buy gas or trade RV time for a flight in my Extra 300 :D

Check to see if they will accept time in a 14A. I am based in KPVF and would be willing to help out if it works out.
This is non-sense. By ?they? (?they won?t budge?) I presume you mean a club officer. Try to find out the name of the club?s insurance broker/agency, call them yourself and explain your credentials. I?d be surprised if they don?t reduce the requirement to an hour or two of dual in a -7a, or, at worst, count your -7 time. BTW, be careful about advertising on a public forum that you?re looking for flight time and willing to compensate for it.
We asked the insurance company about 14a time and they won?t count that either. The club officers are in agreement that?s this is pretty odd. I?m going to write a letter to the insurance company describing the similarities between the various models and my knowledge of the limitations in the A model nose gear. Thanks for the help!
We asked the insurance company about 14a time and they won?t count that either. The club officers are in agreement that?s this is pretty odd. I?m going to write a letter to the insurance company describing the similarities between the various models and my knowledge of the limitations in the A model nose gear. Thanks for the help!

Interesting, my insurance company didn't require any RV14A time to insure me and they accepted all of my RV7A time as a substitute.