
Well Known Member
I am leaning towards the Mid Continent "Lifesaver" (without the battery back up) but am also wondering if a "glass" Horizon my be available sometime soon. Don't want the BM or Dynon either, just a "standard" horizon. Suggestions appreciated!
What make of AH are you replacing?

I have a RC Allen electric AH (and a DG) pulled when I installed a Dynon a few months ago. Each has ~120 hours, and the AH has one month to go on the factory warranty. I'd happily part company with either for a modest price. Send me a private message if you're interested.

John Siebold
Walt said:
I am leaning towards the Mid Continent "Lifesaver" (without the battery back up) but am also wondering if a "glass" Horizon my be available sometime soon. Don't want the BM or Dynon either, just a "standard" horizon. Suggestions appreciated!

I have a Sigmatek (new in box) that I bought for my 8 last year, but now I'm going all electric and using an EFIS. It's model 5000B-38 and has the low vacumn warning flag feature.

I'll sell it for $650. That's $200 less than Aircraft Spruces sells them for.
If interested, let me know. Pictures of it can be seen here: