Ron Lee

Well Known Member
In 2009 I flew to the Cayman Islands overflying Cuba. If you have a chance to go on a trip like this with the island hopping it. It was by far my most challenging and rewarding trip ever.

Flew through the northeast states to include the easternmost airport in the lower 48. Got to make a quick 180 just past Toledo when it appeared that the weather ahead was far worse than anything I have been in so far.

Yep, flying back east XM weather would have helped. Also don't plan on smaller airports after five PM. I made a mistake seeing if one airport would be open after 5 PM when South Bend Indiana would have served me well.

Flew to Washington State where I landed at the westernmost airport in the lower 48.

Made numerous trips through the Green River canyon.

Maybe Cozumel via the Mexican Yucatan land route. Just not sure about flying in Mexico.
In 2009 I flew to the Cayman Islands overflying Cuba. If you have a chance to go on a trip like this with the island hopping it. It was by far my most challenging and rewarding trip ever.

Flew through the northeast states to include the easternmost airport in the lower 48. Got to make a quick 180 just past Toledo when it appeared that the weather ahead was far worse than anything I have been in so far.

Yep, flying back east XM weather would have helped. Also don't plan on smaller airports after five PM. I made a mistake seeing if one airport would be open after 5 PM when South Bend Indiana would have served me well.

Flew to Washington State where I landed at the westernmost airport in the lower 48.

Made numerous trips through the Green River canyon.

Maybe Cozumel via the Mexican Yucatan land route. Just not sure about flying in Mexico.

Mexico flying can be a interesting challenge! When flying to Mexico durring my day job, it is not unusual to be cleared for an approach 200 miles from your destination! ATC is actually rather easy to understand, however for some reason it sounds like they are all talking in to a tin can. Expect spoty radar coverage.

One one of my layovers I had a chance to speak with some controllers from Montery Center, one thing I found interesting was, unlike the U.S. where terrane seperation is provided, Mexico only provides trafic clearance.
A good and exciting flying trip would be north to Alaska and or the Canadian North West territories(Arctic) to the Arctic Ocean. Lots of flight planning and lots of absolutely beautiful scenery.
Cozumel via Key West? I thought about it after the Caymans trip. But then I can do it from Colorado almost entirely over land. Probably shorter and far less water exposure.
Group Flyouts?

Any interest in setting up some trips that people could sign up to participate in as a flight? One group north to Alaska, one to Canada, one to the Caymens, one down the coast of Baja, one that begins somewhere in the west and just follows the sun....:)

I was planning the follow the sun trip in the spring. Fly 200 or 300 miles and land an get to know the people, their planes/projects and the geography. Anyone want to join me?


Cozumel via Key West? I thought about it after the Caymans trip. But then I can do it from Colorado almost entirely over land. Probably shorter and far less water exposure.

True enough, but I saw the word "challenge";)
Mexico is a good experience

I have flown there many times in my old Archer - all in the Baja Peninsula or the west side of the mainland. The place my wife and I enjoyed most was Cabo San Lucas. I understand the airport on the hill is gone now but there are others not too far away. I don't know if it is still there but the Hotel Finesterra (spelling?) was great (I had to close the large sliding glass patio door because the sound of the Pacific waves crashing into the rocks below kept me awake. Things change so you would have to plan ahead. I would clear imigration, customs, flight planning, etc. at Mexicali where everything is neatly organized in one place and make a fuel stop at Lorreto on the way down.

Bob Axsom
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Maybe Cozumel via the Mexican Yucatan land route. Just not sure about flying in Mexico.

I've been considering this flight, the water route.
The Yucatan has several archealogical sites that you can fly in to and they have accomodations. I just received the WAC chart last week and am seriously considering it.
From my understanding, is that I don't need a Cuban overflight permit but may fly inside their ADIZ within gliding distance in the event of an emergency. The Key West to Cancun is about 400 miles but you are never over water(without glide to land) more than 100 miles. BTW, Naples, FL to Key West is 105sm.
Some of the tour groups offer this but are very expensive.

Let me know if your interested. We may be able to get a gaggle flight as others may also be interested.
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Dan, once again I must have looked at things wrong and you are right. There appears to be less over water time from Key West to Cancun (away from land) than when I went to the Caymans.