Well Known Member
Flying off the Phase I, everything is going well, but I need a little advice on calibrating a couple of things. My engine is an O360A1A, GRT Horizon I, EIS4000, Float senders, Standard Facet Pump.

Fuel Pressure is reading between 7-15 lbs, I think it should be about 5-6. I used the 200 resistor.

Fuel tanks are both showing same level on the EFIS & EIS, going down at the same rate. Left tank has 14 gallons, right tank is 19 gallons. Do you use a seperate resistor from the blue (4.8v) EIS excitor wire to each fuel sender wire? I had it this way originally, but was advised I just need one. Now being advised I need one for each.

I would like to hear from anyone who knows first hand. Thanks.
Yes, you need one for each. They are separate circuits and the resistor, along with the sender, creates a voltage divider that the EIS/EFIS uses to calculate fuel level. Check the sheet that came with the EIS. I think it is very specific about there being a resistor for each fuel level sender.

On the fuel pressure sender, I think there are differenct resistors used for different scales. I don't have the sheet with me but someone on the forum will let us know if the 200 ohm resistor is the correct one for a non-fuel injected engine. It may be that you have the wrong offset and slope factor entered.

Congratulations on working through Phase I.
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