
Well Known Member
I really had a hard time drilling the hinges to the back of the horiz stab. I must have changed my mind at least three times regarding how to orient the things...HS 1218A L & R ...the drawing on page 09-08 Fig 1, really spooked me, I finally just ignored it and physically placed the hinges where they had to be placed....very confusing.
that was tricky

I really had a hard time drilling the hinges to the back of the horiz stab. I must have changed my mind at least three times regarding how to orient the things...HS 1218A L & R ...the drawing on page 09-08 Fig 1, really spooked me, I finally just ignored it and physically placed the hinges where they had to be placed....very confusing.

I had the same concern. I could not figure out what the heck Vans wanted us to do. I did much the same as you and then figured out why they did that. Someone at Vans told me they used as few words as possible in the plans. I can respect their economy of language, but an explanation on a few points would be helpful to someone like me.
Someone at Vans told me they used as few words as possible in the plans. I can respect their economy of language, but an explanation on a few points would be helpful to someone like me.

There can always be more detail in the text. The difficult thing is finding a balance to fit the needs of the majority of the builders. Because you can never hit it perfect for everyone. We are have different personalities and we all read and interpret things differently (no offense intended towards either you or John, that?s just the way it is)
Example...there is always a few builders that have trouble understanding the details of any given step, but then they do understand a different step that a different set of builders don't understand...

This is what makes technical writing so challenging.

Considering the fact that know one at Van's has ever had any formal training in technical writing (as far as I have ever heard) I think the plans for the RV-12 are great...They are light years beyond what was provide to RV-4 and 6 builders.
With that said...comments directed to Van's about things that were difficult to understand are helpful. If enough comments are received about a particular step or task there is a good chance a change would be made
It's all about experience

I had no formal training when I began woodworking 20+ years ago. When I started I had trouble with plans in magazines that had lots of pictures and detailed instructions. Now I can look at a piece of furniture, take a couple of basic dimensions, and go home and build it. Not so with the RV-12. There are several pages that I have pondered for far too long. If this was my second or third airplane I doubt that I would have this problem. All in all I like the plans, But I agree a few more words would be nice. In the mean time I watch this site, visits the Blogs of others, and do the best I can.