Flying Canuck

Well Known Member
Anyone have their RV out last evening flying northbound in Eastern Indiana, climbing through 4500? and providing ADS-B Out? I was going West at 4500? when I spotted the converging traffic through my Stratux and ForeFlight. I immediately dropped 200? and saw an RV pass directly overhead by not much more than that. He was climbing and it probably seemed closer than it was, but ADS-B saved us a close call.

I?m going to miss it when I get back up north this weekend. This is only one of the several times it added greatly to my situational awareness. Makes me think about get equipped for Out for future trips.
I had a similar experience a few years ago. Was flying southwest heading at the proper altitude. I noticed a target 15 miles out flying opposite direction at my same altitude. I assumed he was climbing or decending. I watched closely for a minute and his alt never changed so I decended 400 feet. A minute later he passed directly overhead. I climbed back up to my appropriate altitude for the rest of my flight home.

Thoughts. ADSB definitely saved at the very least a near miss. With our opposite headings and to each other a very low head on profile AND both our profiles would not appear to be moving in the windshield, I wonder how close we would've come before one of us HOPEFULLY saw each other.
Having switched from a aircraft with ADSB in and out I can tell you it feels like I am flying naked! Can?t wait to get the new panel in and start seeing weather and traffic again.
I?m going to miss it when I get back up north this weekend. This is only one of the several times it added greatly to my situational awareness. Makes me think about get equipped for Out for future trips.
That will help people in the US see you if they have ADS-B in, but that's all it will do. Sadly, in Canada, there is no mandate to supply an ADS-B in for aircraft. All data goes to NavCanada, none comes out. Your only hope would be to pick up a broadcast directly from a nearby plane, and that it's broadcasting on the same frequency you're receiving (978/1090).
Yes, I know that's all I get. But that comes with the knowledge that - in the US - more people will be able to see and avoid me! It doesn't do anything for me in Canada.

The weather feature is pretty helpful too. I was able to continue between a couple of precipitation clusters north of Chicago because my 3 minute radar showed the clusters clearly and matched what I saw out the window.
Yes, I know that's all I get. But that comes with the knowledge that - in the US - more people will be able to see and avoid me! It doesn't do anything for me in Canada.

The weather feature is pretty helpful too. I was able to continue between a couple of precipitation clusters north of Chicago because my 3 minute radar showed the clusters clearly and matched what I saw out the window.

If you want to increase your odds, do like the motorcycle world has done......

Run with your land lights on ALL THE TIME.... It costs you almost nothing. If it's heading towards you, you can see it 20 miles out in daylight.
If you want to increase your odds, do like the motorcycle world has done.
And the car world. Daytime Running Lights are mandatory on all new vehicles (cars and motorcycles) now.

Even better, a wig-wag (for two) or flasher circuit (for one) for the landing light, similar to the headlight modulators you can get for motorcycles.