
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
I just checked out Bob Collins' "RV Hotline" for the week, and the lead story "The Jedi Guide to RV's" is outstanding - Someone here was wondering about a FAQ on RV building - while I agree that trying to do so for detailed building questions would be futile, this article is outstanding from a philosophical standpoint - great idea Bob - and great contributions from all the people that helped write it!
Ditto ..

I just checked out Bob Collins' "RV Hotline" for the week, and the lead story "The Jedi Guide to RV's" is outstanding - Someone here was wondering about a FAQ on RV building - while I agree that trying to do so for detailed building questions would be futile, this article is outstanding from a philosophical standpoint - great idea Bob - and great contributions from all the people that helped write it!

A **MUST READ** in my opinion. Good content and well written.

The story behind the title. I actually started writing it in know each piece of advice would be written the way Yoda talks. Around about Wednesday I gave up and changed it all back.

Thanks for the nice comments. Of course, all I did was cut and paste.

A little depressing

I seemed every other blurb was about how difficult the canopy was... I'm just now starting the canopy:eek:

"Difficult is the canopy. There is no try- only do." Ok that helped some.

Seriously the Jedi Guide was great.

Thanks Bob!

I always love reading your columns. One thing that I forgot to mention that someone else pointed out-------DO SOMETHING EVERY DAY!!!!!!! You'll eventially finish.

It's a lot like jogging or exercise; skip one day and the next one's easier to skip. Before you know it, it's been weeks since you've done anything.
I seemed every other blurb was about how difficult the canopy was... I'm just now starting the canopy:eek:

"Difficult is the canopy. There is no try- only do." Ok that helped some.

Seriously the Jedi Guide was great.

I don't think the canopy process was hard. I think it was lengthy and required some patience (still does, I'm not doneyet). But I can't really say there was anything mind-boggling about it.

You'll be fine. And we're all here to help. Just holler.