
Moderator, Asst. Line Boy
Sorry for the "Old Yeller" moment, but I lost my dear Labrador Retriever last week. Snoopy Doo succumbed to aggressive cancer very swiftly last week. We knew he was fighting something, didn't figure out until the very end that it was end-game cancer. He was 10...too young.

Snoopy never left my side. He always greeted me at the door when I came home and, no matter how hot or cold the day, he was ready to go to the hangar. Snoopy has supervised, inspected, and approved every aspect of my RV-7A?s build process. The house and hangar simply are not the same without him. We will miss him dearly.

His last hangar day, 19 July 2014:

Making sure I deburred that part:

Aren't you forgetting torque seal?

Supervising taxi ops at Patrick Henry/Newport News:

No beer for you until you're done building for the day:

Now THAT's a fine looking rivet...good job!:

Fair skies and tailwinds, my dear old friend. I sorely miss you.

To Snoopy Doo...Cheers! (clink, glug, glug, SMASH!)

Sorry for your loss. We are dog people too.... Lost a few really great family dogs over the years. Never easy. Sorry to hear, glad you were fortunate enough to have 10 years with a great dog.

Build on to Snoopy Doo's high standards.

Blue skies.
I am sorry to hear that. I am preparing myself for the same event. My dog has been hanging out in the garage since day one of my project.
Thanks, all.
Big healthy dogs have a way of hiding the problems until they get bad. On his last day he still wanted to retrieve balls from the pool.

'High standards'...I copy all.
I totally understand your loss and you have my heartfelt sympathy. It's hard to understand if you aren't a dog person. Currently Max2 and Bailey, both boys and goldens occupy the roost. Before them there was Max1 who died of a twisted stomach at 4, that was tough. He had the same talking eyes as Snoopy. I have an almost identical picture of him lying by the hangar door as your pup is. They say there is no unconditional love but if you are a dog lover you know that's not true. Snoopy has crossed the Rainbow Bridge to a better and pain free life.
Sorry to hear this Sid. Thats a tough one to get passed for sure.

I lost my guy during the build too and thats where my name for the airplane came from.

Hang in there....
Sorry to hear the bad news. As a life-long dog person, I know what you're going through. Prayers and condolences on the way.

And you better keep the build standards high, 'cause you know Snoopy's looking down and keeping an eye on you...
Gut Shot

Losing a pup is tough - I have been there and feel for you. When the time is right, a puppy or a rescue is great therapy.

Hang in there! My best to Snoopy upstairs......
Losing a pup is tough - I have been there and feel for you. When the time is right, a puppy or a rescue is great therapy.

Hang in there! My best to Snoopy upstairs......

Sorry for your loss, Sid. Dogs offer companionship beyond description and losing one is horrible. We had to put one down at 5 and recently lost our 15 year old. Just remember all the good times and think of how good a life your dog lived because of your companionship with him.
I copy all, everyone, thanks.

Pete, my family is already talking about a new pup.
On his last day he still wanted to retrieve balls from the pool.

Now THAT is a true lab! Wonderful dogs who live to please their people?.and to fetch, of course, particularly if they can do it in the water?.

Mine is lying 3 feet away right now, probably dreaming of our upcoming week at the lake and the big bag of tennis balls down at the boathouse. I will think of Snoopy and throw the first one in his memory.
So sorry to hear about your loss.

The week before my first flight, I had to say good bye to Copper Sue, my buddy for the past 14.5 years.

However, only a few days without her and the house seemed too empty. We drove 10 hours round trip to grab my new buddy Newton from a Rescue group. Here is at my hanger totally disinterested in the preparation for the first flight.

When the time is right for a new pup, please consider looking at shelters/ rescue groups. It's sad to realize how many great dogs are stuck in shelters waiting for a home like yours, that would really appreciate them.

Hi Guys,

I too lost my best friend and building buddy Ziggy, he was with me for 3 aircraft builds and passed away 2 months ago at age 15, I understand exactly how you feel.



My condolences. All four of my doggies were strays as well as all I have ever shared my life with. They make great companions.
Sid, it's tough. There are no two ways around it. It's one of those "through" challenges we face. I lost my Hangar Pal a couple years ago. It was sudden and really tough. After a while, I needed to get out of my funk and get "through" it one way or another.

I wrote a little about it here on VAF.

"Nick" is an unconventional RV dog. HE doesn't like strange noises. Will likely never fly, but is the catalyst for my RV ending up in the Van's 2014 calendar. All in all it has been a reward. I'll always miss Zen who greeted all visitors and kept a watchful eye over the kitchen :)
Sad Day

Pets are the most reliable family members you have, never talk back always there to try and please. I am sorry for your loss !!!
Sid, very sorry for your loss.
We lost my "copilot" Cory a couple of years ago and it's never easy to lose a member of the family.
I did have a nice lady from NJ paint up the forward baggage door of my RV-8 with her portrait. Now she'll be there for that first flight and those thereafter.


So sorry for your loss. We had to put our dog to sleep on Monday. It never gets easier, does it? I'm sure you will find another supervisor for your project. Our Casey was too dainty to ever spend time in the shop with me!

Jim Bower
RV-6A N143DJ

So sad. Beautiful fellow.
My beautiful black lab is loyally at my side as I type this.
They are such soft dogs.
Sounds like you both had a wonderful time together.

I lost BB after 15 years, 2 months, and 9 days back in 2011. It's really hard loosing these guys but they are so worth your time. Sorry for your loss.

Goodbye Snoopy

Sorry to hear about Snoopy. He was always fun to play with when I was around him. My dog died very suddenly of cancer as well. He played fetch with his tennis ball right up to the end.

When are you finishing up?
Thanks, Everyone

Kelli and I really do appreciate the wishes, and our hearts go out to you for your losses as well. I believe I won't remain alone in the hangar for long.

If I can keep my current rate of progress, Kelli Girl might take flight by Christmas. Not that that's the goal...this gumbo will simmer until it's done.
Has anyone mentioned how nice Val's plane looks? ;)
I'm really sorry for your loss.
I lost my queensland heeler, Coty, a few years. She was my build buddy & running buddy.
She was 14.5 years old & I had to put her to sleep due to declining health. Even though I knew it was the right time, I'll never be over it. I cried more for her than my own parents. They really become a part of your life.
Even now, when I talk about her, I get choked up.

I waited a year to get another dog, different breed, different mission.
Glad I did. Dogs are great.
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I see this thread hasn't been added to for awhile so I will add to it. Sorry for your loss. Losing your best friend is never easy. Tomorrow morning we are putting our 12 year old beagle Lily to sleep. She has been fighting severe back pain and bowel/bladder control issues for a year now and sadly its time to let her go.
It has been a night of tears for my wife and I and our three kids. Not looking forward to it but life goes on and they live in our memories for ever. God knew what he was doing when he made dogs.
Wow its been 4 months since I lost my best mate Ziggy and every time I read one of these posts its makes my heart hurt.

I love the comment "God knew what he was doing when he made dogs"

So Sorry

Sorry for your loss. Losing a pet is so difficult. You obviously have some great memories to carry you through.

Our son had more love to give, so a month after we lost Snoopy, he adopted Loki:


She's a pitmation (half dalmation, half pit bull) and has already found her way around the 6 corners of our T-hangar (and into our hearts). We miss Snoopy tons, but are glad to have a new wingman in the shop.
Glad to hear you've got a new wingman. Closure is a good thing, and Loki will help with that (I bet she already has...). Have you had a chance to see if she likes to fly yet?
Not yet, Moose, but methinks she will given how much she loves the drive to the hangar (or anywhere for that matter).