
Well Known Member
The other day I let Otto (aka a TruTrak DigiFlight II VSGV) fly the plane because I was deep into my setting menus on the GRT, and Otto let the plane descend 250 feet. I went to pull the stick back and Otto was fighting me!

Called TruTrak and learned this: When you just push the button on the AP it is not altitude hold mode. It is in vertical speed hold mode. Even though the display says "ALT HOLD". This vertical speed mode is based on the air sensors, so if the mass of air you are in goes up or down so does the plane. To put the AP in true altitude hold you have to push the ALT button twice.

I apparently need to work on my phone listening skills. I apologize. When you are in VS mode (climbing or descending), you must hit the button twice to enter alt hold mode as the cursor is underneath the track selector. One press of the ALT button will put you back into VS mode to make a change, another press of the button will put the plane back into alt hold mode.

I apologize if I informed incorrectly. Sometimes it's hard to get all the info in a phone conversation. I'm a big fan of this type of communication as EVERYONE gets to see it.

Is this the first problem you've had? Let me know if you are having a continual not holding altitude problem. Thanks!
While we're here, Lucas..

...I have a question. I may be putting a GRT HX in a future airplane, along with a 430W. I know that the VSGV will fly an approach but it doesn't have the same artificial horizon features of the Digiflight II. I'd intended to use that as a standby artificial horizon. Is there a TruTrak product that will fly coupled approaches AND look like a Digiflight II?

...I have a question. I may be putting a GRT HX in a future airplane, along with a 430W. I know that the VSGV will fly an approach but it doesn't have the same artificial horizon features of the Digiflight II. I'd intended to use that as a standby artificial horizon. Is there a TruTrak product that will fly coupled approaches AND look like a Digiflight II?


Just to help....Pierre is referring to the "ADI-II" (which has the horizon on it), whereas the Digiflight II does and has not.

Good product/good service.

I want to give recognition of a great product & good service. I finally hooked up my TruTrak DigiFlight II VSGV, went and tested it. Everything worked well first time. It is actually eerie how smooth this flys the plane. Doesn't hunt, jump around, etc. Just does a real fine job.

When I was setting up the AP, I noticed that the pitch servo was reversed from what I needed. As Approach Faststack had done all the cables, I called Tim for a solution. I knew I needed to jump pins 1&2 (or not jump them). I thought it might be a hassle to add this jumper and break into his bundle. As it turned out in talking with him all I had to do was reach under the panel and cut the jumper wire he had added when making up the cables. Is this smart or what? He had thought ahead, just in case. Way to go........Tim. I have been very pleased with the Faststack hub system, it is worth it just to be able to call Tim for consultation. Particularly if you haven't or can't read instructions as in my case. Good Products & Great Service.
...I have a question. I may be putting a GRT HX in a future airplane, along with a 430W. I know that the VSGV will fly an approach but it doesn't have the same artificial horizon features of the Digiflight II. I'd intended to use that as a standby artificial horizon. Is there a TruTrak product that will fly coupled approaches AND look like a Digiflight II?



As Stein mentioned I believe you are referring to the ADI Pilot II. At this time, there is not a product that has the VSGV features as well as a built in ADI. Who knows what the future holds...
Yeah, I meant ADI II

..since that is what I installed in my -6. I like it better than my AH because of the large pitch motion. Sure would be nice to have the same face AND the vertical speed guidance for instrument approach guidance...hint?

Wouldn't the EFIS AP IV do what you want? It's glass, but it seems to have the Digiflight II VSGV features in it while showing you a horizon. It's $3.5K more though.