
Well Known Member
I'll be ordering my RV12 tail kit today; it's time to find a new home for my 6A... somebody who will give it the reins and fly it like a 360/CS is s'posed to be.

As I get started on a new kit and see the interesting exchange of information on this forum (Thank you Doug), I am reminded that the most valuable tips out there come from people who have made a mistake and are willing to talk about it. Along the lines of the long-running feature in Flying Magazine...

So I'll "testify" with my biggest goof: I was too cheap to buy a *good* wire crimper when I wired my 6A and I was reminded just about once a year when one electrical connection after another went on the fritz. This included such critical items as my electronic ignition and boost pump. I learned the hard way and spent many happy hours correcting my errors with a quality crimping tool.

If you are *even thinking* about using that slab-handled tool with all the interesting little holes in it... Please don't. A good one is only about $20.

Now...what do the rest of you have? And if it is RV12-specific, all the better!
And be sure to use aviation type crimp connectors. They have two crimping spots. One for the wire, and another one that extends out into the
plastic cover for crimping over the wires insulation.

L.Adamson --- RV6A
"The bitterness of poor quality lingers long after the sweetness of cheap price is forgotten”
Recommended Tools?

Which crimper and other electrical do dads would be recommended for the 12 build? I will be at the lighting stage soon. Any advise from others would be greatly appreciated
Pneumatic cleco remover

The speed at which the wings and fuselage skins go together means lots of work with clecos in a short period of time. I ended up with a repetitive strain-type injury which lasted for months.

I had bought a pneumatic cleco remover but didn't start to use it until the damage had already been done.
