Well Known Member
Does anyone out there have the prepunched fuse yet? Wondering how much nicer it is than the older one. I saw on Van's newsletter that we could keep the old center spar for free if we want it. I think I am making a table out of mine :D
The "whole matched" fuse is said to save 40% buiild time.
Mine will be ordered soon.
The wing center section is specific to your wings and can't be substituted.
Thus if you want the quickbuild fuse (after slow build wings) you must return your center section to Vans for container shipment across the pond.
(The fuse kit doesn't supply the center section.)

b17fe said:
(The fuse kit doesn't supply the center section.)

It does now :) This is the what is says on the 4th issue 2006 RVator.

"Fuselage center sections bulkheads (F804) will now ship with the fuselage kit instead of the wing kit. Builders who already have an RV8/8A wing kit will have a center section fuselage bulkhead. When they receive the new matched-hole fuselage kit, they will get another one. The one in the fuselage kit should be used, and the unit provided in the wing kit discarded or returned to Van's. There's no credit for them, But it seem a shame to just toss out beautifully anodized components."

So I am turning the old bulkheads into a table.
RV 8 Pre-punch

As a matter of fact, I got the new prepunch last Wednesday. It is sitting in two boxes under my wing jig. Have yet to open or inventory, so I can't say much about except that it is here.

Last July, I had grandiose delusions that I would be done with the wing by now. I have a long weekend off coming up and hope to inventory. I will report back.

Michael Wynn
RV 8 Wings (flaps)
AX-O said:
It does now :) This is the what is says on the 4th issue 2006 RVator.

"Fuselage center sections bulkheads (F804) will now ship with the fuselage kit instead of the wing kit. Builders who already have an RV8/8A wing kit will have a center section fuselage bulkhead. When they receive the new matched-hole fuselage kit, they will get another one. The one in the fuselage kit should be used, and the unit provided in the wing kit discarded or returned to Van's. There's no credit for them, But it seem a shame to just toss out beautifully anodized components."

So I am turning the old bulkheads into a table.

Well I'll be ! :cool:
(Actually I was speaking of the wing center section not the bulkheads...sorry.)
Table or foot stool ?
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mlwynn said:
Last July, I had grandiose delusions that I would be done with the wing by now.....
Michael Wynn
RV 8 Wings (flaps)

...boy, do I hear that! Soccer games, hockey games, 3+ acres of yard work, honey do lists, etc...etc..

Because it's taken me so long to get this far, at least I'll get to be a benefactor in the new fuse. ...sold my classic 172 last year so now a bit more motivated to press on with this project so I can pleasure fly again.

Good thing I'm enjoying this "journey".
New Fuselage Kit

I started unpacking my pre-punch -8 fuselage kit yesterday. Al Gore would poop if he saw the amount of paper packing. Must have clear cut at least an acre for all that.

The kit is pretty much like the wing and empennage with one really wonderful exception: The instruction manual is far superior to the wing manual

The empennage manual is pretty clear. Instruction, check box, move on. I found the wing instructions to be pretty vague: build the tanks. Make sure they don't leak. Build the leading edge. Rivet it on.

The new fuselage instructions are more like the empennage: instruction, check box. At least for we neophyte builders, this is wonderful.

Clearly, no jig is required. A flat table and two saw horses. Hope to actually start this weekend. I will keep you posted.


Michael Wynn
RV 8 Wings (closing)
That sounds great. Thanks for keeping us updated. I am trying to figure out if I should purchase my fuse before the end of the year.
Is the spar center section needed?

I could not seem to get an acceptable answer from Vans. I am planning on building the Fuse BEFORE the Wings. I understand that with the new fuse kit, all parts necessary to build the fuse are included in the kit. However, I do not think this includes the wing spar center section. My question is whether the new fuse can be built without the spar center section available to the builder. Would whoever has the new instructions please check and see if the bulk of the fuse can be built without the spar center section.

Thanks in advance
When I talked to them they indicated that the spar center section is included in the new kits. I'll have mine in 2 weeks or so. If you haven't heard from someone else by then, I'll let you know. I believe that I will also have and extra spar center section since one came with my wings. If that winds up being the case, I would be willing to give it to you.


gpiney said:
I could not seem to get an acceptable answer from Vans. I am planning on building the Fuse BEFORE the Wings. I understand that with the new fuse kit, all parts necessary to build the fuse are included in the kit. However, I do not think this includes the wing spar center section. My question is whether the new fuse can be built without the spar center section available to the builder. Would whoever has the new instructions please check and see if the bulk of the fuse can be built without the spar center section.

Thanks in advance
Guy Prevost said:
When I talked to them they indicated that the spar center section is included in the new kits. I'll have mine in 2 weeks or so. If you haven't heard from someone else by then, I'll let you know. I believe that I will also have and extra spar center section since one came with my wings. If that winds up being the case, I would be willing to give it to you.



I thought that the entire spar needed to be match drilled at the factory. In the old kit, you received the center section in the wing kit along with the longerons for the fuse (so I read somewhere). Since I do not plan on ordering the wings until I have the fuse on gear (minor space problems), I do not think I will have a spar center section. If it is required to build the new fuse properly, I will need to re-think my building strategy.

Van's told me at Oshkosh that the "old" style center spar section will not work in the new match-punched fuse. Each new fuse will come with a center section and they ask you to kindly send back your original if you got one with your wing kit. (Tho, I don't think you get any money back for it.)

The spars and center sections are drilled in a jig that keeps the holes in alignment and doesn't necessarily require a matched set anymore.

Ditch the old one! (from Vans)

This is the question and reply I got from Barb at Vans when I asked...

> 3. I have the fuselage/wing spar center section here since it came
> with the wing kit. Do I use this one or does a new one get supplied in
> the fuselage kit? There's some discussion on the VansAirforce forums
> about this but it still isn't quite clear to me.

Your new fuselage will be shipped with a center section. Your old one will not work with the new kit. You can just keep the old one or thrown it away.

Spar Center Section

Hi all,

I got a shiney new spar center section with the fuselage kit. The only thing I am unclear on is if that is now a standard part of the kit or if they just did that for me since I am part way through. Simple answer is, as Van's.

Michael Wynn
RV 8 (Unpacking the fuselage)
San Ramon, CA