
I started the tail kit for my 7A, and have a whopping 8 hours in so far. I already hit a point where I am looking at the plans going... "huh? - am I really supposed to cut that?"

Then, I type in the part number in a forum search and, in less than 10 seconds, I find multiple posts discussing the same, or similar topic and links to other builder sites with photos and explanations showing that I did understand it correctly.

It sure helps to have this resource available and I wanted to say thanks now to everyone who participates in this forum and website. You guys rock! :D:D

[ed. You're very welcome, Ralph! Thanks for the kind words. dr]
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I agree!

I am also just getting started, about 42 hrs into my empennage. I cant even tell you how useful this site has been for me already...right up to the point of being very frustrated with the quality of my work earlier this week and finding a long thread that dealt with exaclty that topic. It helped ease my mind to read that lots of builders had experienced those same feelings and got through it. Thanks DR for a great site, and to everyone that takes the time to answer the same questions over and over again for us new guys! :)
I think...

... half my build time is spent running into the house and looking at this site along with builders sites to make sure I'm 'doin it right'. I usually find my answer no problem, and move on forward. Thanks DR!
Yep - this site and the internet in general are incredibly useful. I honestly don't know how folks like me could build an RV without it - at least in any kind of reasonable time period.
What is exciting is to go from reading and asking questions to actually starting to answer questions from the latest newbies. I will continue to be asking questions as long as I am building and even after that, but it was nice to finally have enough confidence to start attempting to answer questions others had. Not that I always got it right, but you gotta at least try to give back.

---oringinal quote post---

I type in the part number in a forum search and, in less than 10 seconds, I find multiple posts discussing the same, or similar topic and links to other builder sites with photos and explanations showing that I did understand it correctly.

It sure helps to have this resource available and I wanted to say thanks now to everyone who participates in this forum and website. You guys rock!


Don't forget to make a yearly donation. We really need to keep this going, not only for those who have completed RV'S but also for those coming behind us.
Back when I had the plane fully assembled in the basement our very own Doug Reeves was in town on business so he stopped by to look at the project.

While he was looking things over, laying right there on the wing was a printout from this site covering whatever the issue de jour was at the time.

Doug picked it up the printout and smiled, commenting about how he was happy to see the site was helping builders.

I have no idea how people built planes before the internet.

Just remember to give some back by contributing tips, cash, and/or rides to other builders to help keep them motivated. And don't forget about the Young Eagles either.
Don't forget to make a yearly donation. We really need to keep this going, not only for those who have completed RV'S but also for those coming behind us.

Already done - even before I started. I forgot to mention, the site and all of those who contribute were a large part of the reason I decided to tackle this project. I like the large amount of support for the RVs out there.
VAF: Like having Oshkosh on your desktop!

Hi Ralph, and welcome to this great hobby! Since you're just starting, a good video series to keep your eye on is the new "RV Builder Basics" by Les Bourne. I'm watching it now, and even with 3 airplanes behind me, I'm getting good ideas.

Best wishes on your project! :D