
Well Known Member
Its official I am IFR rated.

All training was done in the RV 7a and the DE loved the airplane.

Thanks for all the well wishing, this is the hardest thing I have ever done...And no I'm not being overly dramatic when I say that...:)

Frank 7a
frankh said:
Its official I am IFR rated.

All training was done in the RV 7a and the DE loved the airplane.

Thanks for all the well wishing, this is the hardest thing I have ever done...And no I'm not being overly dramatic when I say that...:)

Frank 7a
Congrats! Now it's time to take that trip!
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Way to go, man. Now you have no excuse not to make it down here for the RV fly-in in May. :p j/k Enjoy the flexibility!

yeah I'm pumped.

I would love to take the trip tomorrow but the cold front thats come thru the NW and down into NorCal is giving hard IFR all the way (plus ice) and thats a little bit more intense than I want right now.

Wednesday is supposed to be VFR though so we're planning for that..



Way to go............It must be a real relief to have that IFR endorsement to the ticket!!!!!!

I will look forward to Wednesday at SGU.

Frank @ SGU RV7A "NDY"
What day in May??

dan said:
Way to go, man. Now you have no excuse not to make it down here for the RV fly-in in May. :p j/k Enjoy the flexibility!

...:)..Let me talk to the Boss...I mean I already got permission for OSH...:)

fstringham7a said:

Way to go............It must be a real relief to have that IFR endorsement to the ticket!!!!!!

I will look forward to Wednesday at SGU.

Frank @ SGU RV7A "NDY"

It is..:)....Look forward to meeting you Frank!
Nice job, Frank! I'd like to do the same thing when my plane is flying. Those of us that aren't flying yet now know it's possible.
Ya, and...

seeing how I can't navigate my own way across town it was an uphill struggle, took me 53 hours I think.

Part of that is the sensitivity of the airplane but I think a faster learner could have done it quicker...Duh!

Having said that, a CFI who is a friend (and a 7a builder!)and your own airplane is a LOT cheaper than renting a doggy old spam can with mechanical instruments that were out of date before I was born.

Definatly doable...:)
Another Congratulation

Frank, good job for having the sticktoitiveness to get it done. I guess there'll be a pack of us headed toward OSH this year. Now that you've done all that IFR training, an hour or two of slow flight on an OSH arrival will be a snap. Still looking to see you around here...a burger awaits. Schedule a visit on our next Chapter meeting on the 14th!
Nothing like popping out at 200 agl with the runway lights shining up at you! Nice job.

Also, would you agree that the whole aviation "system" makes much more sense now?! It did to me, post inst rating.
congradulations Frank...It is a definite "right of passage", of worthiness toward being a smoother and safer pilot.
Low Pass said:
Nothing like popping out at 200 agl with the runway lights shining up at you! Nice job.

Also, would you agree that the whole aviation "system" makes much more sense now?! It did to me, post inst rating.

Sort of, I feel the required one and only cross country trip is not inadequate to get it all straight, i.e we spend 38 hours doing approaches, holds and other airwork and I'm pretty intimidated filing IFR Xcountry mainly because I haven't done much.

I think my "immersion plans" will probably help though.

One thing that did hit me is the number of VFR pilots who think they can fly IFR if they really had to...Like most IFR guys now I smile and gently persuade that if they did the likelyhood of making like a lawn dart is MUCH higher than they realise!

I can't complain too much cus 50 hours ago I "thought" I could do it too...Now I'm only partly sure I could keep myself out of trouble all of the time.

Congratulations on the pass!

frankh said:
I'm pretty intimidated filing IFR Xcountry mainly because I haven't done much.

I honestly feel that, in complicated airspace, filing IFR x-country is often "easier" than flying VFR. You pick up your clearance and follow instructions. Nothing to it. Especially since you've spent the majority of your training doing the hard parts.
frankh said:
Sort of, I feel the required one and only cross country trip is not inadequate to get it all straight, i.e we spend 38 hours doing approaches, holds and other airwork and I'm pretty intimidated filing IFR Xcountry mainly because I haven't done much.

I think my "immersion plans" will probably help though......................
Interesting. Not taking shots at your instructor, but I guess I went at it a little differently. My cfi and I actively sought out IMC. By the time I took my check ride, I felt totally qualified and comfortable making approaches to minimums and working with the system.

If you have any reservations, maybe you should consider finding an instructor who will take you out bouncing around in the soup at least a little more to build your confidence.

You may be able to immerse yourself to gain ability and comfort using the IFR system, but approaches in significant IMC might be better done with a good but slightly more aggressive instructor.

2 cents

Just got a call from Frank and he has safely arrived here at SGU ( Saint George, Utah).
He had a chance to really give that newly minted IFR ticket a good work out. He did say that his wife enjoyed the ride and felt safe and secure in their RV7A. He will be coming by my place later to inspect my project and I will suggest he give us all a good write up on his return home.

Frank @ SGU RV7A "NDY"
And so did we

Low Pass said:
Interesting. Not taking shots at your instructor, but I guess I went at it a little differently. My cfi and I actively sought out IMC. By the time I took my check ride, I felt totally qualified and comfortable making approaches to minimums and working with the system.

If you have any reservations, maybe you should consider finding an instructor who will take you out bouncing around in the soup at least a little more to build your confidence.

You may be able to immerse yourself to gain ability and comfort using the IFR system, but approaches in significant IMC might be better done with a good but slightly more aggressive instructor.

2 cents

He was aggressive alright! we also actively sought out actual IFR and shot numerous appraoches to mins, I just felt that a single Xcountry is not enough...We did two of them and well I guess I did a lot more today..>:)