
Active Member
I have just recieved my rv 7 preview plans and the practise project!! i know i havent even scratched the surface yet but everybody starts somewhere. the plans look daunting at first but i think, when you take each step at a time, it wont be to bad.
i am also doing my first cross country next wednesday. today i learned how to plan and file a flight plan. i have 22.1hrs torwards my pvt pilot. i can't wait to take my family up. i got a ride as a 5 year old boy in a piper 180 and i never could get the sky out of my blood since. there isnt anything like it anywhere. I havent been able to mouch a ride in an rv yet but i'll find somebody who feels sorry enough to give me the opportunity sooner or later
It is amazing how many people are shocked or think u r crazy when you tell them you are thinking about building an airplane and then u r planing to fly it. is there anyone in my area who can show me some of the basics of riviting? i havent purchased any "airplane" tools yet either so i'd be interested in some used or whatever. i have experiance in construction and cnc machining and will work for tools or even kits. oops i guess that should be in the classifieds section.:eek: Jay
Congrats! You are in a thrilling stage - both learning to fly and starting to get serious about building an airplane. Your best bet is to join a local EAA chapter and start volunteering. I didn't really start getting to know anyone until I showed up to help out at Young Eagles eventss and later to make pancakes. (The secret to good pancakes is to not stir the batter very much. You want lumps in there! Get rid of the lumps and you make a tough pancake.) Got my first RV ride that way. Good luck on your cross country, and start looking for some airplane-building tools!
you'll love it

about 1.5 years ago I was in pretty much the same place as you... had the preview plans, and getting close to finishing my PPT. As exciting as this stage is, let me assure you it only gets more exciting. Getting your tail kit, finishing that first stabilizer, getting the wing skeleton assembled on hte stand, seeing the fuselage come together when it really starts to look like a plane... and for the flying, after the nerve-wracking experience of the flight test, you'll have that license to learn, and then the fun really starts. Nothing beats showing up at the local airstrip near the family cottage, and taking your relatives for rides!