Well Known Member
I added the new software (v31 for the high resolution screen) a few days ago. Tonight we had superb weather so I decided to go get my night currency caught up and try out the new software.

At first I was not sure I was going to like it, but...

It was very, very nice. The elevator style tapes for airspeed and altitude give excellent feedback on the direction of change of those two perameters. There are a few other nice touches too, like a small digital readout of your vertical speed (very nice when you are flying an ILS).

Tonight I also figured out why I need a flap position indicator on my EFIS. I always thought it was a bit useless because I can look outside and see the flaps easily enough. Tonight, flying over the water (Chesapeake Bay) on approach it gets pretty dark and you definitely can not see the flaps clearly. It was nice to see the display to confirm the flap position.

I highly recommend the upgrade to v31 for the GRT Horizon I high resolution.
Horizon I Old Screen Digital VSI

You can configure a data field in the lower corners to VS in FpM on the old screen - they added it after I pestered them for a while. And it is good for the GS because your ground speed in knots divided by two is your required vertical speed (ie, 90 kts needs 450 fpm) for a 3 degree slope.
Thanks for the report Bruce!

I just got back in to Houston yesterday and am hoping to install the new version tomorrow and give it a try this weekend.....

H. - I've just about stopped doing mental math with all the computations that the modern EFIS's do for us - and then present it for us in visual ways. (Note that I said "just about....")

I like it!

This morning I finally had a chance to get out and fly the new Version 31 software in my HS displays, and I agree with Bruce - the new tape readouts are a good upgrade. I am not sure that they really"do" that much more (except for the digital ROC), but they look more modern and are easy to read. i am not sure why, but I find the tapes more intuitive than the old ones - I can tell because my eyes are actually being drawn to them, rather than my analog backups (as is usually the case).

Once again, i love these experimental EFIS's - you get a new panel look for no cost every once in awhile - what a deal!

So Paul............. How about posting a picture of the old and the new so "WE" can dream also?
