Paul Tuttle

Well Known Member
We made our first flight today.

My friend and super qualified test pilot Tom did the honors. He has about 20K more time then I have, counting F-18 and many other military types.
Easy decision on that one.Tom says it flies really nice with no major issues to report.

I'd list everyone I should thank, but it would sound like an acceptance speech at the academy awards, it includes a lot of people here on VAF. The main one though has her name on the plane.


Awesome Paul. I have been following your progress and I know what a great feeling it is to finally see your creation airborne for the first time.

Big Time Congrats....
Outstanding - congratulations. I can hardly wait to see the painting of the moment Paul - photos don't always capture the true emotion!
Excellent! The big moment is still to come...the first time you strap in and go. Be ready, be careful, and try not to hurt your face grinning ;)

Well done Paul! I know the feeling well!! Hope to see it (and you) in June or July!
Congrats Paul;
I'm right on your heals! I just did my final Weight & Balance, and I'm filling out FAA paperwork!
Post your phase one experiences, we'll read them all!
the best is yet to come...
some trip down the road, e.g. landing at sunset on an island, will make you truly realize and appreciate your accomplishment.
First Flight

I've already congratulated you in person, but just want to make it official on the site. Enjoy the flight test phase and looking forward to flying along side of you.


F?licitations! Bravo ....... magnifique avion!

Sweet looking airplane. Enjoy!

Dale Ellis
RV-8, Serial 81436, Quick Build that I managed to cram into 12 years of build time. But you can't rush quality!
Flying since Aug, '12
106 hours
On the wing

She looks even better in flight. What a beautiful 8. Fly off those restrictions so we can see her in person at AirVenture this year!
Congrats Paul!

Congratulations on the completion of your beautiful RV-8. Your accomplishment is an inspiration to get out the workshop and to bash some rivets.

I told Deb about your first flight and she made me promise that we'll fly our RV-6 to the Stanley Fly-In when it's complete. See you there!

Rob Erdos
Congratulations on the completion of your beautiful RV-8. Your accomplishment is an inspiration to get out the workshop and to bash some rivets.

I told Deb about your first flight and she made me promise that we'll fly our RV-6 to the Stanley Fly-In when it's complete. See you there!

Rob Erdos

You're welcome any time Rob. I won't even start the Harley until a reasonable hour, say 07:30.

Thanks for the kind words everyone. It has been a long haul! I'm looking forward to changing the pace a little. I plan to learn how to fly the -8 competently, do some biking and get back in the studio to paint a few pictures. It's all good.:)

Great work. Very wise to allow someone with lots of experience to handle the stressful first flight. Another way to look at it, you'll have two first flights. The plane's and yours.

Congrats. The long build journey is done and the now on to short journey's the RV provides.