
Well Known Member
I've been wearing my RV grin for about a week. I don't think it's going away.

But this grin would not have been possible if it weren't for the selfless, generous nature of many people. I take this opportunity to thank them.

I bought an RV-8 from Billy Copeland in Paris, Tx. After a few days waiting for clearing weather and a couple days dual and solo practice, I flew the plane home, from Paris Tx. (KPRX) to the Beverly Airport (KBVY) on the 9th and 10th of July.

Billy put together a fantastic airplane. I couldn't have asked for higher quality nor a better thought out airplane. In addition, Billy and his wife are the kindest and most hospitable people that can be found anywhere. The time I spent in Texas was most pleasurable.

There are a lot of people I need to thank; many of them not associated with this particular airplane.

Firstly, Smokey Ray who did the Pre-Buy inspection on this airplane. I got a great inspection and lots of excellent advice. I only wish I could have met him there in Tx.

But I also need to thank Tom Berge of Minnesota. Tom inspected another -8 for me and spent countless hours on the phone with me talking about not only that airplane but RV-8's in general. I learned a tremendous amount from him.

And I also need to thank Vic Syracuse. Vic inspected several airplanes for me and I finally got to meet him in South Carolina. Very knowledgeable, very wise, and an excellent PB inspector. You want a plane inspected in the Southeast? Vic is your man. Vic also spent a lot of time with me and even offered to answer questions on a plane I was going to look at in Maine - for free.

Then there' s Bob DiMeo who not only gave me some transition training in his RV-8 but also provided a wealth of information.

And my thanks go to countless members of this forum who have answered a myriad of questions.

Thanks to you all. I could not have done it without you.